Beyond Egoism and Altruism

562.02Question: How often do you yourself have to act as if you have the importance of the goal when you do not feel it, meaning you are in a certain state?

Answer: It sometimes happens to me that I am in complete disgust from everything, I am ready to give it all up, and then I come back to this again.

Question: But how do you implement it?

Answer: I am watching from the sidelines. I have my own system when I am outside of egoism and outside of altruism, and use myself as an instrument. By being exactly in the middle of these scales, egoistic and altruistic forces, I make out of myself a middle force.

Therefore, when I feel hatred, love, rejection, attraction, the need for connection, the need for separation, I feel it all in a desire with which I do not identify myself.

I position myself with a thought that is above that. This is called “faith above reason.” From there, I see myself as a patient, as if I were lying on the operating table.

Question: How do you achieve this?

Answer: It comes with time because you cannot do anything by yourself and now. This has been carried out for many years under the influence of the upper light.

Therefore, it is a pity that some people are engaged in some of their methods or leave us for something else. I pity their efforts. After many years you meet this person and, not wanting to stir him up, you ask:

– “Well, what’s up?”

– “You see, I am working now, I am busy now …”

– “Well done, good. Good luck! Be well!”

This is how thousands of people slide by. But let’s hope it becomes less and less common.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Play the Importance of the Spirituality?” 11/3/09

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