The Most Powerful Computer in the World

276.02Question: Man has invented photography and movie cameras that capture reality as we see it, meaning subjective reality. You say that if we change our senses, then reality will be perceived differently.

Why does the camera still capture everything in our sensors? If we had other sensors, would we see something different in the captured photo?

Answer: The fact is that nothing is actually fixed, it is all inside us. That is why it is hard for me to explain it.

Everything is inside a person and depends only on which Reshimot are triggered in him, what exactly they draw to him, and he now sees it from the outside.

Question: There are a lot of your recordings in the archive. I’m reviewing some of the videos that we recorded three years ago, and I’m surprised how much they contain information that was at that time imperceptible.

Answer: Of course, you didn’t feel it then, but you do now.

What does it mean to record information? This is the Reshimot, their implementation. There is nothing else.

Information records exist initially, that is, even before something was created. And then they unfold and are realized, filled, and stored in this form until they come together into one single, full-blooded, perfect, complete, closed system called the world of infinity. And all the smallest details, no matter what happens, are realized and recorded.

The fact that we are now inventing all kinds of recording forms, various mechanisms, all this is nonsense. All this has already been recorded and exists around us; it represents one single computer, one single communication system. It has everything, and every time we just awaken more and more connections and constantly capture everything. Meanwhile, our intentions, thoughts, volitional and painful efforts are recorded, everything you want.

The Reshimo consists of two parts: from the power of the Reshimo, Aviut (that is, the power of desire) and the Reshimo de-Itlabshut (the power of attainment, the magnitude of attainment). Therefore, there is a record of absolutely everything, everything is included in the Reshimo. And this huge record is gradually unfolding ahead of us so that we learn, become active elements of it, gradually absorb the whole system, and become its rulers along with the Creator.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Most Powerful Computer in the World” 10/8/09

Related Material:
The Upper World Is A World Of Information
How Does One Break Into The Computer Of Creation?
The Method For Discovering The Creator

“Why do so many people identify with the loneliest whale?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Why do so many people identify with the loneliest whale?

The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52 is a documentary that, over thirty years, tracked a whale that produced high-pitched sounds on a frequency unique solely to that whale, to which no other whales responded. They thus called this whale “the loneliest whale,” as it lived in complete loneliness, roaming the seas with its unanswered call.

Many people identify with this whale because sometimes in life we feel that we too are like that lonely whale, that no one hears us. We could even be surrounded by a lot of people and have a social life on the outside, but on the inside, we sometimes feel so lonely that no one responds to us.

Indeed, we each live inside ourselves. However, instead of remaining lonely, we should apply ourselves to positively connect with others above our feelings of loneliness. It is because our development is leading us to a complete connection among all people, and by aligning with such a tendency, we will discover much happier, more fulfilled and meaningful lives than our current experience. We should thus consider the kind of frequency that we would need to produce in order for others to hear us and turn to us.

That frequency is a heart full of love, one which wishes to benefit them. If we calibrate ourselves in such a way, then we would cure our loneliness. We would then find that others would start responding to us, wanting to come closer to us.

Based on the video “Why Do So Many People Identify With the Loneliest Whale?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 7/26/22

Preparation to the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic “The Ruin as an Opportunity for Correction”

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Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to the Book Panim Meirot uMasbirot,” Item 10

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Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot,” Vol. 1, Part 3, “Inner Observation,” Chapter 11, Item 1

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Selected Highlights

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