Develop The Embryo Of The Soul

232.07Question: Should there be a transformation in the process of learning a spiritual technique where everything transitions from words into an inner sensation?

Answer: Certainly. This must be lived. This is how any matter, property, and feelings gradually develop. If you do not do anything with some organ, it will not develop; but if you start working with it, you will begin to train and develop it.

That is all. There is nothing non-materialistic, secret, or mystical here; there is just work on yourself.

Kabbalah is the most “sporty” work; there is nothing else in it. There is a kind of rudimentary embryo that exists in you, but it is actually not rudimentary. Use it! It has been dormant in you for thousands of years. You need to start working with it.

Just like when you come to work for a blacksmith or a carpenter and they show you how to work with the material. You do not know anything yet, but you start working with this object and gradually it turns out that you have some feelings for it, sensations, and you get to know it.

This metal starts ringing in you, singing, responding to every strike, and in accordance with this, you feel what is happening to it.

With experience, certain sensations develop in you. What does experience mean? It is accumulation, it is familiarity with the object that you are working with.

It is the same here. Nothing else. Only the principle is a little different, because in addition, you have to work against your egoism. That is, you study your nature and work on it. And in this lies the secret.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Fall First Aid in a Descent” 5/10/10

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