Symbols Of The Purim Celebration

503.02On the Purim holiday, according to tradition, it is customary to make triangular cakes “Haman’s ears” (“Ozney Aman“). They are also called “Haman’s pockets” (“Kisei Aman“), which were supposed to be filled egoistically, but the evil forces did not succeed, and in the end we snack on them.

In addition, it is said that on Purim one must fall into such a state of intoxication in order not to distinguish Haman from Mordecai because in the corrected state we come to the fact that both Haman and Mordecai act on bestowal, which is called receiving for the sake of bestowal.

This is how the whole of nature is corrected. This state is a complete correction of egoism created by the Creator. We need to come to it. The Purim holiday symbolizes the absolute correction of all nature. We hope that it will be achieved in our time.

This is something that is still hidden from us. But now we are going through the process of correcting our egoism and are quite close to its completion.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/15/22

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