How Nature Tries To Return To Balance

558The more we develop, the more we approach the moment when nature reveals a global connection to us and, in principle, invites us to rise to another level of existence. In a global system we cannot exist other than by caring for each other.

But why do we constantly receive huge blows, such as tsunamis, earthquakes, wars, epidemics? Because nature is trying to bring itself back into balance.

The fact is that if it is necessary to somehow produce some kind of moral, spiritual correction of mankind, then the simplest and most direct action on the part of nature is the impact of suffering.

As soon as you influence a person with suffering, his needs immediately decrease. He is ready to be satisfied with less just not to suffer. Therefore, look at what happens during a war. People are content with little and do not want more, they are ready to unite and help each other.

Suffering immediately makes a person purer, lowers his egoism, makes him content with less, and he connects with others in order to gain confidence and some kind of support.
From KabTV’s “Close-up. Partnership Agreement” 4/7/10

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