The Twofold Work Of Egoism

963.1When a baby is born into this world, it starts to become familiar with it. A baby does not know what people have invented, what systems, banks, healthcare, and so on.

However, a newborn animal cub understands everything happening around him. He knows: this is mom, this is dad, they are with me in the herd, this is mine, and these are enemies, strangers, and so on.

For man, however, everything is very complicated. Our egoism works both “for” and “against” us. On one hand, I want to come closer to others so that I can enjoy them and use them for my own sake.

On the other hand, I try to stay away from them and not give them the opportunity to rule over me. We are constantly in such opposite relationships with each other, rejection and attraction. And we do not know how to balance them.

There are many varied theories on this topic and, naturally, as egoism develops, both theories and practices change. Growing egoism gradually reaches a certain boundary that we must blast and move to a new level.

There are people who reach this level faster than others. Therefore, they are eager to make a revolution. And there are those who say: “So what? What is the matter? Nothing special is happening.”

That is, society is not homogeneous. It is not a pack that understands that this is how we live and that’s it. Everyone has a different rate of development of egoism. In addition, all people are different in their way of life, outlook on life, character, in their manifestations. That is why the structure of our social system is very confusing.
From Kab TV’s “Close-Up. Reference Point” 9/9/09

Related Material:
Do We Need A Vaccine Against Egoism?
The Master Loves His Work
Break Through The Shell Of Egoism

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 10/12/21

Preparation to the Lesson

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Selected Highlights

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