The Rhythm Of The Development Of The Degrees

243.01She sits there for as long as she sits there and dresses there in a form of this world. In the beginning of the month and on the Sabbath, when she wishes to rise to the upper Garden of Eden, the righteous in the Garden of Eden give her a letter as a sign. (The Book of Zohar)

“They give her a letter”—meaning either to a person or to a soul. There are certain nuances regarding who is given the letter: the male or female part of the soul. Therefore, sometimes it is said “he,” sometimes it is said “she.” But the neuter gender does not exist in Hebrew, since the neuter gender is the correct combination of the masculine and feminine. It arises only within a person and means equivalence of form to the Creator.

It is said in The Book of Zohar: “She sits there for as long as she sits there.”

Each degree has its own specific rhythm of development, certain technical parameters, given information, when one degree should end and a new one should arise in our development.

For example, whether you want to or not, a year passes and you become a year older. It is the same in the spiritual world: you must work out the previous degree, its ten Sefirot, and rise to the next degree.

Therefore, each step that fulfills itself is like a new month, a new moon, a change. In Hebrew, the month is called “Hodesh,” from the word “Hadash” – “new.”
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” #19

Related Material:
The Spiritual World Is Above Reason
How Does One Reveal The Spiritual World?
Be Ready For Changing Perceptions

Monuments And Images

559Prophets, Joshua, 8:29: And the king of Ai he hanged on a gallows until evening, and as the sun set, Joshua commanded, and they took his carcass down from the gallows, and they threw it at the entrance of the gate of the city, and raised upon it a great heap of stones to this day.

Hanging, strangling, this is not the biggest correction of egoism. The complete destruction of egoistic desires in a person is through burning. Hanging is only depriving egoism of its animalistic existence, i.e., one of the execution methods when a person is deprived of any opportunity for spiritual rebirth.

Question: It is written: “They threw it at the entrance of the gate of the city, and raised upon it a great heap of stones.” What are these monuments?

Answer: Indeed, why erect monuments to egoism? The fact is that this is not done for the sake of egoism, but for a person in whom a beaten, mortified, hanged egoism exists, and he must remember it so that this will never happen again.

All this is done for future generations and not for the person himself, because the desire called “the owner of the city” has already been killed in him.

Question: It is very popular in the world today to erect monuments to the departed and living people, monuments to victory, and so on. Is it possible that this tradition comes from here?

Answer: No, this was customary in humanity even before the Torah was written. People like to eternalize themselves because egoism wants this even though in the end there will be nothing left of it. That is why it has a desire to somehow glorify itself.

Question: Why is Judaism against monuments?

Answer: We must remember not the person but his actions. And not his actions in the past but those that he conveys to us in the present.

It is customary in our generation that we keep photos, paintings, and portraits. Yet in general, there is absolutely no need for all that. I did not see any images in my teacher’s house: neither of his father, nor of other people, none. These are all just modern habits.

Question: Can we say that this is serving idols?

Answer: Of course. In some ways, it is. What does it give you if you look at a face? By doing this, you replace the correct state of coming closer internally with something external. The connection of the hearts is an absolutely internal action.

Question: What is the difference between a heap of stones and an image?

Answer: A heap of stones reminds us that here we have done away with egoism. The image, on the contrary, says that egoism is still among us, and by this we seemingly exalt it.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/19/21

Related Material:
“They Took Them Down Off The Trees And Cast Them Into The Cave”
A Testament For All Generations
Everybody Has Their Own Toy

Can We Imagine The Upper’s Pleasure?

276.02Comment: Please describe the pleasure that we receive along the path of the light.

My Response: You understand that I cannot describe this. How can I describe a pleasure that a person has never felt and does not understand?

What can it be compared to? We can only compare something we have experienced and give it some resemblance, and not in any other way. We cannot perceive any spiritual pleasure or descent or anything of the spiritual path, except from the stories of others. This is the reason that the wisdom of Kabbalah describes it in physical terms only.

The sensation that results from what happens to a person in spirituality is felt when he actually implements this path by himself. Only then does he understand what Kabbalists say.

If you reread every one of Rabash’s or Baal HaSulam’s articles that you read a year or two ago, you will see that now you perceive everything in a totally different manner. This means that new attributes, new powers, and new sensations appear in you. It is a system that works. This is the reason that the spiritual world is called a secret world because it is revealed only to those who can feel it. This person begins to feel new feelings and new senses, while others do not, and there is no way you can change that.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 7/14/19

Related Material:
What Is the Upper Light?
In Kabbalah, Pleasure And Desire Are Defined Relative To The Light
Love Is A Vessel For The Light

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 9/19/21

Preparation to the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic: “Baal HaSulam Memorial Day”

[media 3] [media 4]

Selected Highlights

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