From The Land Of Canaan To The Land Of Israel

747.01Question: Before the land of Israel was called Eretz Israel (“Eretz” from the word “Ratzon,” desire; “Israel,” “Yashar Kel,” straight to the Creator), it was called Canaan, from the word “Ahnaa,” to belittle oneself. What exactly does a person belittle?

Answer: Belittling is a preliminary quality that must be present on this earth, in this desire. In order for the desire to become directed toward bestowal, love, and connection, it must go through the state of Ahnaa, the suppression of its egoism.

The preliminary stage of the suppression of egoism, its preparation for higher altruistic actions is called Ahnaa or Canaan.

Before a person enters the Land of Israel, he must lower his egoism. Therefore, at first, this piece of land was called Canaan and then it became known as the Land of Israel.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 5/21/21

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