Reach The State Of Shabbat

294.3Zohar for All, Item 444: Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy

Saturday is Sabbath, which comes from the word “Lishbot” (to rest, to stop working). This does not mean a strike, but an abrupt cessation of all activities, and it implies actions for the correction of the soul.

The state of achieving complete correction of the soul is called “Shabbat” – Sabbath. Over the long history of the world, we have been moving toward the correction of our souls. This is the first generation that has begun to do so, and Kabbalah is revealed to everyone.

Detachment is becoming apparent in the world today, it’s all inclusive nature is manifesting, and all for the sole purpose of leading a person to complete despondency, to the need to open his soul and begin to develop it.

We can say that we are now on the eve of Shabbat. That is, from the first revelation of the Creator to Adam, who lived 5,781 years ago, until the end of the whole program, which runs for 6,000 years, there are only 219 years left. But you can reach the Sabbath state earlier.

It is a state where the whole world rises to the next degree, to the feeling of eternity, infinity, and perfection.

We can accomplish this critical transition in a very easy, beautiful way if we explain to everyone what the science of Kabbalah allows us to do and how it is easily and simply implemented.

If we do not choose to advance the easy way, we will still have to reach the sixth day—the state of eternity and perfection, the elevation of our souls—but through very harsh, drastic, dramatic events that may involve world wars.

“Remember the Sabbath Day” means remember that we exist in a temporary state and that we must make all the corrections during our lives in order to reach the eternal and perfect state. Therefore, “remember” means “implement.” Every moment you should implement this idea and move closer to it.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” #10

Related Material:
The Correction Of The Sabbath
Spiritual Sabbath
The Wholeness Of Sabbath

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