Egyptian Plagues: Livestock Pestilence

527.02Question: The fifth Egyptian plague is livestock pestilence. What kind of livestock is this about if we are talking about the inner state of a person?

Answer: It is about different levels of desire. Livestock represents our animalistic desires. This blow is felt like a manifestation of my egoism, which I did not know about before and as the realization that I cannot use it in any way.

There are ten desires in man that go from Malchut to Keter, the ten Sefirot, in which the egoistic foundations of these desires are manifested. When a person is given the realization that he cannot use these properties for bestowal, he understands that he will not be able to feel spiritual life in them.

Question: Can we say that all plagues go from external desires to more internal ones? For example, the sixth plague is blisters and boils that appear on man’s body and not on the livestock.

Answer: Yes. Desires are manifested from external, distant from a person, to those closer to him.

These desires of a man in relation to himself, to the Creator, to other people, show him, first of all, that they cannot be used. In any form, each of them demonstrates that it cannot be used for the sake of bestowal, and therefore, if they manifest in a person, he will not be able to leave Egypt with them and enter the spiritual world.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 1/30/20

Related Material:
The Third And The Fourth Egyptian Plagues
The Second Egyptian Plague—Frogs
The First Egyptian Plague—Blood

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