Wow, This Year Has Had Quite A Start!

294.2Comment: America is said to be having the first digital civil war where all the media giants are shutting down everything.

Google removed all applications of the social network Parler—it was too right wing. Twitter permanently banned Trump’s account (it had 89 million users), then the accounts of his former national security adviser, then his lawyer. YouTube has removed the channel of an ex-Trump adviser. The Donald’s server collapsed and shut down.

My Response: Who decided this?! This must be decided by the Supreme Court. How can an office block such people? What right do such organizations that have been created and allegedly declared to serve people—to serve!—have to take on the authority to make such decisions? Where is it written?

Question: It is not spelled out anywhere. This is such a dictatorship, a digital GULAG. What can this lead to?

Answer: They, in principle, buried themselves with this. They drove a nail into the coffin.

Question: So you think that they now have begun to destroy themselves quietly?

Answer: Of course! Although there are billions of dollars of winnings, they were paid, and they now understand that they will be close to the new government. But with this they killed all the media.

Question: Do you think people will understand that this is really such an evil?

Answer: This is not just evil, it is incredible! The system that we trust, which should carry only pure information independent of anyone to us, shows itself as absolutely corrupt.

Question: Is it good for humanity that it comes to such a state of “trust no one”?

Answer: Yes, I think that people will be limited only to scientific, more or less social, sociological research. And they will not believe anything else, and even more so, the news and all these rumors.

Question: What do you think will come to replace this huge empire?

Answer: Nothing. Now humanity is going through, not only in America, but around the world, a very big restructuring.

Question: And what will come to this place if it is empty?

Answer: First, the revelation of evil must come—that we are egoists and we are guided only by egoism. And the truth is not at all important to us, only personal victory is. Even if we are absolutely wrong and we know that we are wrong. That is, our right is above all.

Question: This realization will come, and then what? A person realizes that selfishness is evil, it is destructive. So, what is next?

Answer: Then they will look for how to rise above this. And here you have to rise above human nature. How to rise above our nature? This is where we need the method of Kabbalah—how the higher forces of nature are attracted that raise us to their level. Because nothing can be done at our level. This last stage of understanding egoism in its basest and therefore, the most correct, true, terrible form—this is now being manifested.

I need to find out the truth about the power that rules the world, and not that people rule.

Question: I already see what people are running? What it boils down to, and I’m not happy with that.

Answer: I can no longer tolerate it.

Comment: I can’t. And I will already pay attention to the top.

My Response: Yes. Very interesting. It will all manifest.

Question: I will understand that there is the Creator, that there is this power, to which I must turn? Will there be such a clear understanding?

Answer: I will understand this from the fact that they took away all these media that I used to feed on, and now I have nothing to live with. I have to find a direction that leads me forward. And this direction does not exist within our egoistic world. This is a very good time and state.

Then we will begin to search, and we will find the actual true source of life. And not the one that was created by all sorts of Google and others. Their time has just passed.

2021 is a time of a very serious, deep, basic restructuring of humanity.

Comment: Some big, brilliant scenario is being seen here.

My Response: Of course. Wow, this year had quite a start!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/11/21

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