What Will Happen If All Women Return Home From The Workforce

583.03Comment: Years ago you said that jobs would be lost, businesses would fail, and the world’s economy as a whole would decline.

It is interesting that the problem of the whole world will be what to do with the unemployed. The most important thing is that people will have to receive not only the means to exist but also some meaning of life, a way of self-realization. Business magazines that usually write about money and work are suddenly writing about these notions being important.

My Response: Because this is a problem: what to do with the unemployed population. Imagine all working women returned to their homes. And at least another 10%, say half of the men, also lose their jobs. Only about 20% of the world’s population will still be working. All the others are not needed. In other words, they do not need to work if they are doing unnecessary work.

What to do with them?

Question: This is their first question: what to do with the people who are part of the unemployed population?

Answer: Fully engage these people with studies and education. Only education can change the world. For this purpose, these billions of people are now being freed up.

Question: Do you see the upper program in this? Are billions of people being freed up to start studying?

Answer: Yes. So that they are re-educated into humans.

You open doors and let out a few billion people in order for them to sit at desks, at computers, in some kind of halls, anywhere, and start learning to be human. Humans in the highest sense of the word.

Question: Are you talking about learning how to relate to each other?

Answer: Not just that. Understanding the program of nature, the purpose of nature, the purpose of your own development. Which way they are headed, where they are going, so that it will be clear to them how they are controlled by the forces of nature. They do not exist in some kind of misunderstanding, in some kind of oblivion, but they are affected by forces, and they understand the impact of these forces and are in an organic mutual connection with them. Thus, they move forward in understanding this entire program.

Question: Are you saying that we have been dealing with the consequences all this time, and now we have to study the reason? Why did we appear in this world?

Answer: Yes, of course!

Question: Isn’t this the destiny of some unique, talented people?

Answer: No, absolutely everyone should learn this.

Question: Will a person accept this?

Answer: Yes, this will go down very well!

Question: Do you think a person will get into finding out why he came to this world and what is the purpose of his coming?

Answer: There are no problems, this is how it will be.

Question: Another most important question I read in an article is: Will the people have to get not only a livelihood but also a new meaning of life?

Answer: This is the most important thing.

Comment: That is, these two questions are connected. Humanity, 2 to 3 billion people have been freed to understand what they exist for.

My Response: Yes, and all the rest of humanity will get this through them as well. There is no way to escape this. It all depends only on the way we do it, quickly with little blood or with great loss and suffering.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/5/20

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