Uninvented Rules

530Question: There are many rules in every group. If people, form a group to start to study, then certain moral norms are created in their group: what can be said and what cannot be said. For example, in Kabbalistic groups it is not customary to talk about one’s spiritual achievements.

Integral education courses also have groups of people with certain rules of communication. But there is a constant inflow of new students. What is the best way to explain these rules to them?

Answer: It is best if the group starts just discussing it among themselves and creates the appropriate rules on their own. They figure out what it means to come to a certain state in order to achieve a common goal, whether they need it, how, and why, when, in what order to follow changes in their communication, and so on.

In other words, people create the rules themselves. Then it will seem to them that it is natural and necessary, that it really comes from the foundations of nature.

Remark: But we actually do not make up rules because they already exist.

My Comment: Rules exist. But the Kabbalists took them from the foundations of nature that we must attain.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/14/20

Related Material:
New Life 1271 – Social Rules In The New World
The Need To Follow The Laws Of Nature
General Rules Of Successful Unification

Boost Everyone’s Self-Esteem

592.01Question: One emotional effect is belonging to a group. A person identifies himself with a certain community, seeks to evaluate it positively and in this way raise its status and his own self-esteem.

Is it worthwhile strengthening and cultivating this effect, for example, in a group of people who seek to unite, saying: “You are special, you are the best. Together, we will break through”?

Answer: I consider it is necessary to boost people’s self-esteem, to raise energy and the desire to achieve the goal that is perhaps dormant inside a person, to encourage him, to support him.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 9/25/20

Related Material:
Criteria For Self-Evaluation
The Group: An Inverted Amplifier
What Determines The Group’s Charter?

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 12/7/20

Preparation to the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic of “Middle Line”

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot, ‘Histaklut Pnimit,’ Vol. 1, Part 2, Chapter 9, Item 96″   

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights   

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