My Thoughts On Twitter 11/12/20

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

We all have to assess what is happening as a result of our state in relation to correction. The #coronavirus is a result of our uncorrected state in relation to nature’s demands.

There are two conditions: each one bestows everything he has, using all his abilities for the common unity. We complete one another, like ants in an ant-hill. Revelation of truth turns the universe into a sphere: everyone becomes included in each other—and the force of bestowal, perfection is revealed inside them.

We must reach unity between us and the Creator, reveal the force of unity, so each one will be ready to bestow with all of one’s heart and soul. That is how we will attain the degree of truth. We won’t count who did more and who did less—each one will bestow 100% and then truth will reign.

It’s as if we want to make up for what the Creator has done incorrectly. The Creator seems to have set up injustice in the world—we see that the world was corrupted from the beginning. We are trying to perform correction from outside, outside of man, instead of correcting him on the inside. This is the whole problem.
From Twitter, 11/12/20

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