How Can We Overcome Sufferings?

557Question: How can we overcome suffering?

Answer: You overcome suffering by knowledge. If I know why, how, and toward what I am moving, I clearly understand my actions and the steps I take, and try to scrutinize and understand that the sufferings stem from the good Creator who pushes me toward the goal. But because I don’t want to advance toward the goal and resist this, like a small stubborn child, I feel suffering. Because I don’t agree with the upper providence, I summon sufferings unto me.

Question: Knowledge is the mind, the brain, whereas sufferings are feelings, the heart. If that’s the case, does the mind overcome the heart?

Answer: The mind manages the senses. We invoke certain forces through our correct intentions and the right actions that we perform in the group, and they change our feelings.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 1/18/18

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