When The Goal Is More Important Than The Blows

628.2Question: How can we perceive positive impressions in our world as something bad? After all, they divert a person from focusing on the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Answer: Indeed, we need to perceive positive influences very clearly and to fear that they might divert us in the opposite direction. Of course, all sorts of pleasures and relaxations can seriously harm us.

Evil pushes a person to the recognition of the purpose of life and the goal of one’s existence, while a positive influence can seemingly divert a person and lead one away from the goal.

Question: Does this mean that winning two million dollars in the lottery is worse than being summoned by the police?

Answer: Of course. Being summoned by the police shakes a person to such an extent that he immediately begins to search for the Creator: where, why, what? But if he wins two million dollars, it is a problem. How can a person not only annul the two million dollars now, but also turn them into an obstacle?

It is not easy and it can be done only if one receives with the intention in order to bestow. This means that Tzimtzum (Restriction), Masach (Screen), etc. are already required here. It is a very complex system.

Question: Suppose a person receives blows as a negative force and he immediately turns to the Creator. After all, this is an egoistic appeal, so how does this advance him?

Answer: It shakes him. The question is how he appeals to the Creator and what he does with it. First, he needs to thank the Creator for having reminded him about Himself. Thanks to the blow the Creator seemingly called him and he answered.

Question: Is there such a thing, since after all, it is not natural?

Answer: If the goal is more important for me than the blows, it is natural.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 10/14/18

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