The Attainment Of Unity Is The Revelation Of The Creator

laitman_548.02Question: Is the spiritual state predetermined and we simply need to find it?

Answer: The spiritual state that we descended from really exists. It is a state of unity that filled us not too long ago and is in the general soul of Adam. (Red in the drawing)

The attainment of this unity is the revelation of the Creator.

We attain unity when we are actually distant and totally opposite from each other. The distances between us will continue to grow all the time. We will look for the center of the ten and its circles will seemingly begin to expand. This means that the differences between us will continue to grow more and more, and we need to try to find a common attribute between us, unity.

This does not mean that you have to be like me and another has to be like someone else and so on, no. This means finding a state, like in the game when you are looking, looking and want to catch some goal, but they are all scattered. Here it is necessary to make you feel: “How can I combine these goals?”

And when you catch this point, you will begin to feel that you have revealed the Creator. The unity of all the opposites that complement each other is the Creator. It is when they complement each other.
From Kab TV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 1/12/20

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