My Thoughts On Twitter 6/7/18

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

#ZOHAR (Pikudey 840): “Before death, the angel of death appears before man.” When we unite, the force of resistance against the unification of the soul is revealed. This is the angel of ego’s death. The egoistic man in us dies, and the soul is restored!
#Spiritualwork #Kabbalah

Faith above reason is the sensation that bestowal is above reception, the Creator’s importance is above that of creation and all reality. One starts to feel that he has a new concern: to do something for the Creator’s benefit.
#Spiritualwork_ML #Kabbalah

That is why The Book of #Zohar was concealed, for the forces contained therein encompass the height of all 125 degrees. #BaalHaSulam

RASHBI and his students have attained all 125 degrees from our world to complete correction. It is written in the #Zohar that such a generation shall appear in our time.

#Lies and #sensation in the news
#Egoism is fed by interesting, exciting lies. It loves evil and deception.
Only by rising above ourselves, above the lies, to a new, perfect state, can we check ourselves and see ourselves according to the true nature, where there are no mistakes.

A person can’t be controlled by #money or #power, but only by #upbringing. A new worldview that will reveal to a person the system of interconnections in which he lives, will teach him to feel and understand himself from within.

In overcoming the ego, the force of unity becomes 620 times greater than before the soul’s breaking.
#Spiritualwork_ML #Kabbalah

Uniting the broken soul of Adam is of highest importance. Not correcting each individual part, but connecting them together! In the attempts to unite, the force of resistance is revealed—everyone’s ego (Yetzer Ra).

The wisdom of The Book of Zohar has been concealed through our time, and in the last generation it shall be revealed to all. (MARHU)

When the time of the Messiah’s coming draws near, even babies in the world shall reveal the secrets of #Kabbalah. In that time it will be revealed to all. (Zohar, Vaera) #ZOHAR
From Twitter 6/7/18

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  1. Do you think it is possible to live alone?when elders of your family die and you dont have a family?

  2. It is rather satisfying to think people did all these things before. Overcoming ego,uniting the broken soul etc. It is rather discouraging to think people did all these before and it was so difficult for me.

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