Why Was There No Depression Before?

laitman_592_04Question: Why wasn’t there any depression before?

Answer: It is because people used to be engaged in spiritual work and they attributed any kind of spiritual state to their spiritual advancement. Now people should be working on their spirituality, but they aren’t. Therefore, it is natural that 70% of humanity is depressed. We can invent all kinds of reasons, but this is the only cause of depression, nothing else.

Question: Do antidepressants help?

Answer: No, antidepressants are a chemical compensation that do not solve the problem.

Question: Why do placebos work in curing a wide range of illnesses? Is it a method of persuasion?

Answer: Of course. A person lives through his spirit, not through various chemical materials. So placebos may be effective. Any amount of convincing, uplifting, or comforting affects a person. Provide assurance and the person will get rid of most of his illnesses.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/20/17

Related Material:
The Wisdom Of Kabbalah About Depression
Depression—An Illness Of Lack Of Meaning In Life
Depression -The 21st Century Plague

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 1/23/18

Preparation for the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic: “From Obstructions to Ascents,” (Prep For World Convention 2018)

[media 3] [media 4]

Talmud Eser Sefirot, Part 10, “Table of Answers for Topics,” Item 145 

[media 5] [media 6]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” Item 50 

[media 7] [media 8]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 01.22.18

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Newsmax: “Trump Aligned With Electorate, Not Politics As Usual”

My latest article in Newsmax: “Trump Aligned With Electorate, Not Politics As Usual

Why Trump is the Forerunner for a New Era in Governance

Racist, misogynist, and anti-Semite, are only some of the terms that have been thrown at President Trump over the last year. And while many are doing their utmost to get Trump off the stage somehow, Oprah Winfrey is now being promoted as an alternative for 2020. “I thought, ‘Oh gee, I don’t have the experience, I don’t know enough,”’ she tells Bloomberg TV, “and now [referring to the election] I’m thinking, ‘Oh.'”

While mainstream media is continuously feeding everyone with all kinds of names that we should call President Trump, I am going to point out what I believe most people are missing. The fact that most pundits, politicians, and opinion leaders are constantly speaking against him shows something about the Trump phenomenon that the public, the government and the media fail to acknowledge, or can’t come to terms with.

In my view, that something has to do with a fundamental change I anticipate taking place very soon in how we run everything on the planet. The future is not going to be more of what we already know. And Trump, whether he is aware of it or not, is the precursor of that change.

How Did We Reach This Point?

In the past, governance was much clearer. Kings would rule every detail of their countries and populations. Surely, free speech wasn’t as developed as it is today. Punishments could have been horrifying and not a lot of people were in a position to make things better if they wanted to. But a good king took care of his citizens and wanted his kingdom to flourish and prosper.

Kings, however, were surrounded by many helpers. Their job was to help further the interests of the king, whether by consulting on strategy, maintenance of the kingdom, communicating to the public and so forth. But over time, they realized they have great power and they wanted to hold onto that power. And thus, early politicians were born: Dubious characters who suck up to the king, know their way around the lobby of the kingdom, gossip, plot and conspire, all for a single purpose — to maintain their positions of power.

This has been going on for approximately 200 years. Today, the politicians themselves are called “elected officials,” the method by which they can preserve their power is called “democracy” and what they put most of their time, energy and resources into is getting elected in the next term. Sometimes, if we’re lucky, it also meets the public’s interests.

Isn’t it about time we improve this system? I argue that the time has come and the shift is already starting to take shape.

Why Trump Is Outlandish

In a world that’s characterized by heightened egoism and inextricable interdependence at the same time, in a hyper-connected world where we have the technology to create abundance for all and yet we are closer to World War III, human society is groping in the dark for a new model by which to organize itself.

So who is Mr. Trump in this process? Beyond the showmanship skills he mastered over the years, Trump is driven by the DNA of a businessman. He’s the epitome of the entrepreneurial spirit that has nothing to do with the political world as we know it. And whether you see him as good or bad, racist or patriot, is irrelevant to that quality.

It’s because of this entrepreneurial quality that I see his rise to power as a precursor to a much bigger change in governance. Therefore, it’s only natural that he doesn’t fit any of the scales that the world is trying to judge him by. He is not politically correct. He doesn’t speak or write like a diplomat. He’s direct, vulgar and not in line with the “politics” we’re used to.

Trump is a builder who challenges himself by trying to make things prosper and flourish. And even when he fell into bankruptcy he managed to rise up again and break new records. And it is precisely this business-like pragmatism that I wish to highlight about Trump.

We’ve reached a point where the world is over-saturated with politicians who use empty words and so-called values as their ticket to power. Trump’s election indicates that acknowledgement within the masses, their disdain towards lovely speeches about ideologies and the desire for a pragmatic approach to solve problems.

Leaders of the Future

What the world needs today are results-oriented pragmatists, entrepreneurs, builders, innovators and optimizers in positions of power. Trump, in my view, is only the early bird of change. I could also easily see people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos occupying that role. The point is that we have to reinvent our politics, starting by replacing politicians with those infected by the “bug” of entrepreneurship.

However, there’s one important catch: businesslike leaders of the new world must feel as if their country is their business, the country’s success is their success, and the public piggybank is their piggybank.

This is where money plays a central role. It allows us to do what is almost impossible otherwise — to measure. When I say money, I don’t mean the Wall Street driven financial sector, which is a bubble occupied by a different kind of politician: one who knows how to play with numbers to bloat his bank account, without actually creating anything in the real world. Much of the financial world is a façade that will become obsolete in the future, but that’s another topic.

Economics is a reflection of human relations, and we have to rediscover the solid basis for how people relate to each other in society: What each of us gives to society and receives from it. Money is currently our most accurate tool to measure these relations. It can also help us focus on pure worthiness and take the air out of ideological bubbles contributing nothing to our social progress.

If the U.S. and Russia, for instance, negotiate their issues with the sole aim of getting the best deal for both countries, they will arrive at clear and practical conclusions for how they can best collaborate, instead of playing power games, which are great for politicians, but ineffective for true business people.

This pragmatic approach between person and person — or country and country — will be a fresh starting point for coping with a world that has become globally interdependent, in a century that’s destined to see tremendous change.

The Spiritual Root Of Skin Diseases

laitman_275Question: What is the spiritual root of skin diseases and why is it so difficult to heal them?

Answer: It is difficult to heal skin diseases because the skin is the most external and egoistic layer of all the parts of the body. Therefore, it has contact with the external world.

The human body includes the brain, bones, tendons, flesh, and skin. Skin is the external sheath of the body and therefore it is difficult to heal it.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/20/17

Related Material:
Leprosy (Tzara’ath)
“Be Cautious Regarding The Lesion Of Tzara’ath”
Correcting The Last Level

Who Reveals The Secrets Of The Universe?

laitman_548.02Question: Man has been endowed with a mind in order to think abstractly. When he starts studying the spiritual worlds, he can either materialize all of this or hover in the clouds. How can you take students who are unprepared and explain the secrets of the universe to them?

Answer: First, your statement is not entirely accurate. What do you mean by “students who are unprepared”? Newcomers are always unprepared and need to be educated.

Secondly, what secrets of the universe can I reveal to them if they don’t understand anything about that? If, for example, I were to take a tenth grader and sketch the structure of a nuclear bomb for him, would he be able to build one? Millions of people have worked on this for many years. We see how difficult it is for any nation to produce such a bomb, although the principle is well known.

Question: Suppose we study the “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” which has sketches and the structure of the spiritual worlds?

Answer: But this needs to be explained gradually. There is nothing mysterious in Kabbalah. The “Preface” talks about the interaction of forces—the force of bestowal and the force of reception—and the connection between them. Generally speaking, the method is very simple to study and understand. It is difficult for a person to perceive and implement. That takes years.

Question: So if a newcomer comes and listens to the “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” including sketches of the worlds and Partzufim, is this normal?

Answer: It does not matter. It is intended for everyone, with no exception. Nothing is concealed. It’s just that for now, the person does not understand Kabbalah because he still hasn’t reached these truths. There is a specific internal threshold within which it interests him, and outside which it doesn’t. And to the extent it interests the person, he understands everything.

There are people who study with us, say, for ten years, and only after ten years do things fall into place all of a sudden and he starts thinking and perceiving differently. Then a few years later they fall into place again. He seems to be hearing the same things, but the channel of perception opens up.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/24/17

Related Material:
Who Is The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Meant For?
The Meaning Of Life: The Question That Cannot Be Avoided
Why Does The World Need The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?

New Life 921 – Internal Perfection

New Life 921 – Internal Perfection
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the world is perfect and we will only be able to perceive this perfection when we correct ourselves. We need to correct our desire to receive for ourselves by becoming more focused on loving and giving to others. In this way, we become more like the Creator.
From KabTV’s “New Life 921 – Internal Perfection,” 11/21/17

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Answers To Your Questions, Part 213

Laitman_917.01Question: Are prophetic dreams and deja-vu characteristics of the soul or the body? How is it possible to get rid of them or how can one live with them if they are impossible to get rid of?

Answer: They disappear as one thinks about connection with the Creator.

Question: I once asked you how I could find a profession in this world and you answered that this would become clear according to the degree that I study Kabbalah and work in a group. I understand this, but as far as it seems, in the meantime, my work in a group is not enough. What should I do if I don’t understand what I should be doing in this life and how I can make more money (since in any case it is necessary to earn money for the family and children)?

I suffer because I don’t understand what I want, what my tendencies are, and I don’t know where to go to not make a mistake. I want to do my own thing if I must still work. Sometimes it seems that something is becoming clear, but I ultimately become even more confused. How can I orient myself in all of this?

Answer: It is necessary to provide for the needs of the family first, and then become involved with Kabbalah. A profession must be most useful for both goals!

Related Material:
Answers To Your Questions, Part 212
Answers To Your Questions, Part 211
Answers To Your Questions, Part 210

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 1/22/18

Preparation for the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic: “From Obstructions to Ascents,” (Prep For World Convention 2018)

[media 3] [media 4]

Talmud Eser Sefirot, Part 10, “Table of Answers for Topics,” Item 135 

[media 5] [media 6]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” Item 46 

[media 7] [media 8]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 01.21.18

Listen to an Audio Version of the Blog
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