Answers To Your Questions, Part 191

laitman_219.02Question: Why did you decide not to become ordained as a Rabbi even though without a doubt you could pass the appropriate tests?

Answer: I carry out the required religious precepts. I do not have the opportunity to delve into them any deeper than necessary for their physical performance.

I get the correct intentions for my actions from the wisdom of Kabbalah. Rav means a teacher, great, not necessarily in the practice of Judaism. My specialization is in the fundamentals of the existence of a person in this world achieving the goal of his existence.

Question: Aren’t you building the same tower of Babel with which you will be able to approach the Creator? After all, as they say, the road to you know where is paved with good intentions. I am not a religious person, but it simply is not very wise to accuse our ancestors of stupidity, alleging they were building a tower to reach the skies or tried to imagine themselves as gods.

You yourself state that our world is an animalistic world, so perhaps we will leave to the Creator to use the “good” whip so as not to attract any more whips to ourselves. I do not think that you will answer my question, but still there is hope.

Answer: Continue to sort it out further.

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