What Determines The Well-Being Of A Family?

Laitman_506_6Question: What advice can you give people regarding family and children? What is seriously worthwhile for them to think about?

Answer: The problem in family life amounts to only one thing, on the ability to concede to each other. My teacher the great Kabbalist Baruch Ashlag used to say: “The happiness of family life depends on the ability to keep your mouth shut at the right time.”

Question: What does family life mean nowadays when a woman and man can live separately?

Answer: Everything depends on education. In their time, I received guidance and direction from my parents that divorce could not be and that’s that.

Understandably, there can be all kinds of problems in a family, especially when people have been living together for a long time. I have been married to my wife for almost 50 years. People lived this way in the past, while today sociologists believe that when two or three years go by, affection and closeness disappear.

But they don’t have to divorce. It is possible to prevent this only through mutual concessions, not in any other way.

Question: You say that it is possible to avoid divorce, why is this?

Answer: You established a family, gave birth to children, you have to be their father. Things are much worse for children if the father is not present.

Children need both a father and a mother even if the relationship between them is not good. You should be concerned about silencing yourself and not the other. Then everything will be okay.

I am saying this from personal experience. For example, my wife and I can quarrel for some reason, but the next morning we must meet each other with a smile, even if the feeling of yesterday’s quarrel has not yet calmed down and we are burning to prove that we were right. This doesn’t enter the account!

Comment: But this is the wisdom of the wisdom of Kabbalah….

My Response: This is not the wisdom of Kabbalah but a simple understanding that you will not achieve anything in any other way! You cannot change people or the world, I am saying this seriously. Every day my wife and I begin by taking a walk for half an hour and we are always smiling at each other, even though inside each one of us has a load of problems. But during the walk it is gradually emptied; that is how it is every day. But today begins with a decision that what happened yesterday is finished, even externally.

Regarding children, everything is very simple. Don’t preach ethics to them. With words you will not succeed in educating them, you will only push them away from you. It is possible to educate them only through an example, without words. The child will look and learn. If you say something along with this, you will ruin their education.
From a Webinar “The Year in Review” 12/26/16

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A Bad Marriage Is Better Than A Good Divorce
Based Upon Mutual Concessions
How Can We Strengthen The Nuclear Family?

Babel—Second Round, Part 3

Laitman_931-02Question: Inside the narrow family circle, a person feels warmth and protection because there is no egoistic struggle between relatives. What would happen if this circle expanded and covered many people not connected by family ties?

Answer: The positive force of nature will be revealed between these people. If they try to maintain good relationships, the force hidden in nature will be revealed. There will be a place for it to be revealed because they will want to connect above their egoism.

The distance between the force of such connection and the egoism that resists it will be the place where the positive, anti-egoistic force of nature can be revealed.

There are two forces in nature: the negative that separates us and the positive that connects us. The positive force appears if we try to connect. We become its detector, creating conditions for its revelation.

The family is too small a group, hence it is difficult to feel the manifestation of this force in it. But a tribe that unites many families provides a place for the revelation of the positive force of nature.

Abraham spoke precisely about this in ancient Babylon 3,500 years ago. He said that we have no other choice but to unite despite the egoism that erupted and the social crisis that it caused and despite the mutual misunderstanding, what is called the confusion of language.

We must rise above this misunderstanding, that is, mutual aversion, so that love will cover all transgressions of our egoism.

If we cover egoism with love, we will discover the good force hidden in nature to the extent that we can overcome our evil inclination. Egoism will grow more and more in all possible shapes and forms, and we will have to overcome it more and more.

After all, evil is revealed only so that we can connect more strongly above it and uncover the positive force even more until we feel that we live in the ocean of goodness.

And who helped us? It was the same evil egoism that was constantly growing in us. And so it is called “help against it.” So we find ourselves in the world of absolute goodness, but it is built above our egoism, above the evil forces. Now these two forces begin to work together, helping each other. The evil force helps the good force in which we live.

This method is called the wisdom of Kabbalah. It teaches how to use the revealing evil egoism correctly, every time rising above it through the good force. This is impossible to do alone, as it is written “They helped everyone his friend.”

Therefore, we should go back to this brotherly love when we all felt like one single tribe.
From KabTV’s, “A New Life” #794 11/29/16

Related Material:
Babel—The Second Round, Part 2
Babel—The Second Round, Part 1
We Are An Ancient Babylonian Family

New Life #396 – The Need For Community Life Today

New Life #396 – The Need For Community Life Today
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe


Where does the desire to live in a community stem from? What is the social trend in this respect and how do we build the right community?

The lack of social life has been felt since the 1960’s. People began to gather in different communities. Life develops us in two different directions: indifference to others, and, on the other hand, the lack of warmth and mutuality. In the future, the community will be responsible for all the services a person received from the tribe or the extended family in the past.

In a community a person feels secure that if something happened to him, he would be supported. This is mutual help. When every individual nullifies his own boundaries and is connected with everyone as one man in one heart it is a community.

Today everyone has a very big ego that keeps us part. If we connect above it, it will be heaven on earth.
From KabTV’s “New Life #396 – The Need For Community Life Today,” 6/5/14

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World Kabbalah Convention 2017, “All As One” – 02.21.17

World Kabbalah Convention, Day One, “Center of the Ten,” Lesson 1

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World Kabbalah Convention, Day One, “Opening Ceremony” 

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World Kabbalah Convention, Day One, “Connection in the Ten,” Lesson 2

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World Kabbalah Convention, Day One, “There’s None Else Besides Him,” Lesson 3

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 02.20.17

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Why Are The Laws Of Humanity Hidden From Us?

laitman_281_01Question: Do clear laws exist for mutual cooperation between people, as they do for the laws of physics?

Answer: Such laws exist, but they are hidden from us. In every physical system, a switch exists between its elements to maintain balance, its working state, and so forth. Precise formulas also exist for preserving the system of human society. There is a general system of control.

The first articles by Rabash can be used as an example; in them it is said:

  • You must be higher than others,
  • You must be lower than others,
  • You must be equal to others,
  • You must be concerned about the existence of an intermediary component.

This is the entire law.

There is nothing else besides the laws of switching of people in a group, a group of ten! This is the main law of nature from which it is possible to derive all the rest of the laws.

Question: Why did people first begin to discover the physical laws, but were not concerned about discovering the laws of human connection first?

Answer: It is because the ego repels people from the laws of human connections. And it is the opposite for the laws of nature; it attracts people. Helped by knowing the laws of nature, a person can influence, manage, and control! But the laws of human nature say that a person must be equal with everyone, he must be concerned about everyone.

A person is interested in everything except in building the right mutual connection. `But the human, societal system is the highest system that exists in nature. If you balance it and make order in it, within it, the person begins to feel the next level of creation.

All the more so, for correction to happen it is enough to build the right connections on the level of a group of ten. With less than a group of ten, it is difficult to do this. With more than a group of ten, it is impossible because the focus is dispersed. Ten people is the optimal situation. We were created such that a group of ten is the maximal condition required for us, like in mathematics.

Question: Why is this hidden from us? Why do we know all the laws of nature on the levels of the still, vegetative, and animate, but we have not yet discovered the laws of human society?

Answer: The laws are discovered according to the degree of our development. A person who is not developed is not ready to discover these laws, just as it is impossible to talk with a small child about the discoveries of Tesla.

Besides that, a lot depends on the perception of the person. For one person, human relationships present no difficulty; for another person, this is a closed subject. A person is generally not interested in this aspect of life until he begins to study the wisdom of Kabbalah. Within the wisdom of Kabbalah, he discovers his relationships with the Creator.

Only after that does a person gradually begin to feel that there are all kinds of mutual relationships between people. This understanding comes through the upper world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/2/16

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Understanding The Laws Of Nature
The Basic Law Of Nature—Unity
In Disagreement With The New Reality

Answers To Your Questions, Part 164

laitman_281_02Question: Does a person feel that he is alone in the upper spiritual world, or is he in contact with other souls?

Answer: It is so different from our feelings that it is impossible to describe. The upper world is perceived through the Creator the way that we perceive the Creator through the unity between us.

Question:  Could you reveal the role of a Kabbalist in this world? How should we relate to people around us when we receive information and an opportunity to correct ourselves from the Creator? Is our mission only to correct ourselves, or does it include the correction of the world around us?

Answer: A person must first read the basics of the wisdom of Kabbalah in order to understand this.

Related Material:
Answers To Your Questions, Part 163
Answers To Your Questions, Part 162
Answers To Your Questions, Part 161

Sex Is Important

laitman_543_02Question from Facebook: Why are people so interested in sex and in the mutual relations between the two sexes? It seems that this is the only thing people are interested in.

Answer: They say that love and hunger make the world go round. If hunger no longer manages the world because there is actually enough food for everyone, what is left which can fill a person is love.

A person’s desire is to enjoy. It is the essences of his existence. This is how we are programmed. If we could turn off this program inside us, the world would be totally different. Radio, TV, sports, arts, science, everything would be totally different.

Sex is a person’s greatest desire. We cannot even imagine how everything that we do is actually subconsciously sex-oriented. Everything that we do stems from our internal sexual inclination. It is the basis of our behavior.

What is more, it isn’t about the kind of sex that we understand as corporeal coupling but about a yearning for a filling by something that is opposite from me, just like a plus yearns for a minus. All of a person’s thoughts are absolutely sexually directed.

What do we mean by sex? On the one hand there is the desire, the need (even in food), and, on the other hand, the filling. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, sex is referred to as Zivug de Hakaa (mating).

So it all depends on the level at which we examine this concept. On the physiological level of the corporeal bodies, we call it sex; whereas, on the lower level of the still or vegetative nature or the higher level of spirituality, it is called coupling.

If a person who knows nothing about the wisdom of Kabbalah begins to read Kabbalah books, he comes across many sexual concepts such as: coupling, upper kiss, lower kiss, practically the Kama Sutra.

It is actually because sex is at the basis of our desire that the wisdom of Kabbalah refers to it in such direct, very accurate, and correct language. If you wish to read a good sexual novel, you can read the The Study of the Ten Sefirot.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/28/16

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Sex: Outdated Laws
The Most Exalted Pleasure In This World
How To Balance The Sexual Desires Of Teens?

Two Levels Of The Torah

laitman_555Question: If Moses wrote the Torah, why is it said that the Creator looked into the Torah at the time He created the worlds?

Answer: In fact, the Torah is the movement of the desire that was created opposite of the Creator toward complete resemblance to Him.

So when the Creator “decided” to create the creature, as we say in corporeal language, He first had to create it as His opposite as well as to create a complete mechanism through which the creature would move toward resembling the Creator.

With this intention, He seemingly wrote the Torah, a system of commands and instructions that must be realized by the desire that was created by Him. That is how He brings the desire He created to greater and greater resemblance with Him. Moses wrote the Torah himself, but not from the point of view of management by the Creator because that Torah remains in the head of the world of Ein Sof (Infinity).

For Moses, it was recorded in the head of the world of Atzilut as an activity. So it is talking about the same thing, but on different levels.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/4/16

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