The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 55

From the book The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein

The Animal Is Not The Human Being

The animal, unlike the human, lives according to the laws of nature, but in nature it is not accepted to kill anyone for profit and for the sake of profit. Animals in general are much more peaceful than most people think. By the way, animals prefer not to deal with the “king of nature.”

Scary stories that are told about the wolf (just as the tiger) are embellished by the fantasy of idle people and nearly all of them contain little truth.

A pack of wolves, maddened by hunger, on occasion can attack people, even adults that are armed; it may happen that wolves kill and eat a human, but in any case, the threats of wolves in the countries where the wolf populations are large is not as great as it is often imagined.

A lone wolf rarely attacks an adult, even one armed only with a club; this behavior can be caused only by special circumstances, such as a rabid wolf or female wolf fearing for her cubs. (Alfred E. Brehm, Brehm’s Life of Animals)

An animal is certainly not a human. Animals are not capable of the following:

“With adequate profit, capital is very bold. A certain 10 per cent. will ensure its employment anywhere; 20 per cent. certain will produce eagerness; 50 per cent., positive audacity; 100 per cent. will make it ready to trample on all human laws; 300 per cent., and there is not a crime at which it will scruple, nor a risk it will not run, even to the chance of its owner being hanged.” (Thomas Joseph Dunning)

A surreal picture is in front of us. The human being, the highest degree of nature, behaves much worse than animals. Why does intellect, which a man is so proud of, bring much more harm than good? Why is the human able to do such unspeakable things to his own kind?

Now Dadon has reached the tent…

Staggers backward: sight appalling,

Hard before his eyes lie fallen,

Stripped of helm and armour chain,

Both his noble princes, slain,

Pierced each by the other’s charge;

And their wandering mounts at large

On the mead all stamped and scored,

On the bloodied meadow-sward . . .

‘Boys . . .my boys . . ‘ the father groaned,

‘Strangled both my hawks,’ he moaned,

‘Life is forfeit – woe is me . . .

Here were killed not two but three.’

Wail of men and master merges

Soon resound with heavy dirges

Gorge and cliff, the mountain’s heart

Shakes. Behold, the curtains part

On the tent. . .The prize of maidens,

Queen of Shamakhan, in radiance

Lambent like the morning star,

Quietly salutes the Tsar.

Silenced by her brilliant gaze

Like a nightbird by the days,

Numb he stands – her sight outstuns

Aye! the death of both his sons.

(Aleksander S. Pushkin, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

Source: The Tale of the Golden Cockerel

And does this creature stand on the top of the development of nature? It looks at least illogical. How could he, who is capable of destroying millions of his own kind, be above everyone else? How did it happen that the “king of nature” is able for some illusory ideas to destroy not only others, but even himself?

And at the same time.

How can all this be combined with high ideals, culture, art, moral principles and powerful intellect?

Related Material:
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 54
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 53
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 52

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