Stealing the Sesame Seed From The Scale Of Merit

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, “The Arvut” (Mutual Guarantee), Item 22: And one who commits one sin, which means that he cannot overcome and conquer his filthy self-love, and hence steals or does something of the sort, sentences himself and the whole world to the scale of sin. This is because with the disclosure of the filth of self-love, the lowly nature of Creation, is reinforced. Thus, he subtracts a certain amount from the sentencing to the final scale of merit. This is similar to a person removing from the scale that single sesame seed his friend had put there.

Thus, to that extent, he slightly elevates the scale of sin. It turns out that he regresses the world.

Question: How can I pull the entire world behind me and cause it harm if I am not in spirituality yet?

Answer: It makes no difference whether you know about it or not. You are still part of the system.

We know that about 130 million babies will be born this year, and as grownups we know that we must build factories that manufacture baby food, diapers, and so on for these babies.

The babies don’t understand and don’t know all that is done for them, but we still take them into account despite their lack of understanding. The system works and takes those who belong to it into account. At the moment, they don’t actively participate in it, but they will grow up and participate in it later.

We are also in the system like those babies. The system works for us, and we influence it like the babies who influence the world. This world turns around for them and provides them everything that they need to grow.

If you don’t see that you are part of the system, it doesn’t mean that you are not connected to it. You still affect it very much. If you were connected to this system, not as a human being but as an animal, you would receive and carry out orders instinctively without ever making any mistakes. An animal is never wrong since it is totally managed from Above by the system.

Then, there would be no problems with you at all. You would be connected absolutely to the system, having no freedom: not in your hands, your legs, or your head. You would be managed totally from Above and wouldn’t exist as an entity.

However, if you are born with some internal freedom that you must fulfill through your freewill, you need instruction and guidance. This refers only to the part that is called Adam (a human being).

Question: But how can I tilt the world to the scale of sin and steal a sesame seed if I am not in the spiritual world?

Answer: You are in the system, and your time has come to participate in it consciously. So far, you have participated in it as an animal activated by urges that the system summoned in you.

However, now, you are not completely activated because you also activate the system by yourself to some extent. Accordingly, you receive instructions as to what to do and how to do it.

If you want it yourself, if you receive and urge and exert yourself, you learn these instructions and try to make yourself a beneficial part of the system. If you don’t, you become the harmful, detracting part.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/13/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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