What Comes After Capitalism?

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Konstantin Frumkin, Ph.D., journalist, philosopher, coordinator of the Association of Futurologists): “Capitalism can be defined as an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production, wage labor and the labor market. Thus, the disappearance of capitalism is connected to the replacement of private ownership of the means of production, wage labor and commodity and currency markets.

“The state economy will replace capitalism. The society that is in transition from capitalism will not have a single dominant type of ownership, but will have a ‘mixed economy’ and equality of all forms of ownership. This idea is already a reality of the modern world.

“Any manufacturer has to receive compensation for his costs so that the economy does not stop. The market plays a fundamental role in the organization of economy. Exchange is at the heart of the market.

“In order to abandon market exchange, it is necessary to solve a) the problem of supply and demand, how to orient producers towards the targets that are necessary to consumers b) the problem of the motivation of producers.

The overcoming of capitalism will happen by overcoming the economy, when economic motives will not affect people’s behavior: the economy will be overcome by an excess of wealth, when general abundance simply will allow people not to think about earning and exchange, or the same effect is achieved through automation and total replacement of the human in the manufacturing process.”

My Comment: Usual mass production will become the thing of the past; robots and programs will replace people. Home 3-D printers will displace factories. Through the gradual integral education of society and the fall of egoistic interest for unnecessary material needs, we will come, in addition to robotics, to the emergence of interest in joint work as the reward.

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