Everything Is Arranged According To Equivalence Of Form

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: We have been saying that the integral method is a form of learning. If we bring a circle of participants to the proper inner connection point, they will comprehend it and learn to convey it to others, so is it possible to use all the other forms that lead to this?

Answer: I don’t know what forms you are talking about. When I tune a radio receiver, I catch the similar point of equivalence of the circuit frequency to the external wave. The radio receiver creates its wavelength which must be like the external wave, and when they match, it catches the modulation of the external wave and I hear it. Everything is arranged according to equivalence of form!

Specifically we must teach a person about this kind of equivalence of form with integral nature! You turn the tuning knob of the group all the time; at a particular moment you suddenly enter into this state and that’s it, it raises you to the next level, you are already swimming on this level. You are no longer you because you and the group have become a single whole, this is to say, the “group of ten” becomes one.
From Kab TV’s “Through Time” 9/24/13

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