Intermediary Dispatch

Dr. Michael LaitmanA spiritual action differs from a material one in that it always proceeds through the upper one. Therefore, I cannot connect with others on my own. I exert efforts in order to ask the upper to connect me with others.

If I want to raise a prayer, how is it possible to accomplish since I cannot send the Creator a postcard or a message? This is why I ask the upper to help me reach a state of prayer.

Everything goes through the upper; I don’t perform any actions on my own. I only need to prepare my “half a coin.” And advancement lies precisely in seeing each and every time that a person does everything only through the upper one. It’s as if there is an intermediate dispatch station in front of me through which I pass along all of my actions.

Only if my action goes through the upper does He add force into it and returns a response. I must act through Him. And this pertains to any action or thought, “for” or “against.” Only through this will we come to adhesion.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/29/12, The Zohar

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