How Do You Ask For The Light?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: I am trying to ask for the Light through the connection with the group, but how exactly should I ask for it?

Answer: Ask for connection. We never know how to ask for the Light, we don’t know how to pray. Every time we turn to the upper, it should be with an accurate request. All a person has to find out is what he wants from the upper. Even if you want the worst things, direct them to the upper. If you direct them to the upper, you begin to gradually correct your request and make it right.

This is called “clarifications,” like the whole ladder of spiritual steps. We begin by wanting to “swallow” everyone. So turn to the upper with that, be consistent, and thanks to the Reforming Light you will understand what is good and everything will change. Don’t think that asking for something already makes you a righteous. But turn to the upper!

This is how we start our life in this world. Look at a baby, how dirty he is when he is born, how he dirties his diapers. But it is said: “The mother will come and clean her son.”

Only do what you can, but persistently and constantly! Then you will advance! The treatment of the upper can be soft and gentle, and it can be strict and tough. But this is the only way changes take place in the lower. The main thing is to go on.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/15/12, Writings of Rabash

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