Awakening The Dawn

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: You are saying that the center of the group is Malchut of the world of Atzilut. Does it exist now, when we only study these things theoretically?

Answer: These things exist only when you attain them. Up until then, they stay in potential.

For example, you have a newborn son, and the potential for all the following generations that will come from him exists within him. They don’t exist yet, even in the drop of his semen, but they still are provided for by the program of a higher order. That is the “potential existence”: There is a program above us, a cause and effect order, and we can change nothing in it. Gradually, this potential is being realized.

Everything that happened with everyone up until now was transformed from potential into reality. Thus, good and evil are similarly conditioned by the upper program; it couldn’t be any other way. With regard to the past, we are all fatalists.

When it comes to the future, we can change it. We should not have faith in fate here. It is true that Reshimot (the informational genes) will certainly realize, and the Lights will certainly be opposite them, but I define their relationship through my efforts. If my desires are equivalent to the Lights, to that extent I change my sensation on this path, up to the opposite one, and then I move forward comfortably at a good rate. This is what is meant by “changing fate.”

Everything is determined by the rate of advancement. If you slow down the realization of the Reshimot, they cause very unpleasant sensations in you, as compared to the accelerated option. Even the most joyful tune sung slowly sounds like a mourning march and vice versa. By accelerating time, it is as if you convert your sensations from negative to positive.

The world today is going through the crisis for the same reason. It is as if people are shocked by what is happening and unable to make the necessary decisions. This is because the rate of development suddenly increased, but man has not adjusted yet.

I am not “round,” not integral. I cannot take into account numerous parameters simultaneously. Everywhere, something is happening, everything is interconnected, but I am still trying to go along the line laid out by my egoism. We cannot get along with the modern world because our rhythms do not coincide with each other.

Thus, the end of correction is predetermined; however, how I realize my development depends on me: whether it is through the path of suffering or the path of sensible, conscious advancement. The rate determines everything.

That is why it is said that Israel accelerates time. Realization of the same Reshimot could be accompanied by positive sensations or fatalities, wars, epidemics, and other misfortunes that will force us toward the next step. Everything depends on preparation, for lessons as well as for life.

As it is written, “I awaken the dawn, and the dawn does not awaken me.” We must desire the realization of new Reshimot since each of them is an opportunity to rise toward greater bestowal.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/21/2012, “Introduction to TES

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The Purpose Of Creation, In Brief
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