Top Economists Urge To Cut The Working Week To A Maximum Of 20 Hours

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from The Guardian): “A thinktank, the New Economics Foundation (NEF), which has organized the event with the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion at the London School of Economics, argues that if everyone worked fewer hours – say, 20 or so a week – there would be more jobs to go round, employees could spend more time with their families and energy-hungry excess consumption would be curbed. Anna Coote, of NEF, said: ‘There’s a great disequilibrium between people who have got too much paid work, and those who have got too little or none.’

“She argued that we need to think again about what constitutes economic success, and whether aiming to boost Britain’s GDP growth rate should be the government’s first priority: ‘Are we just living to work, and working to earn, and earning to consume? There’s no evidence that if you have shorter working hours as the norm, you have a less successful economy: quite the reverse.’”

My Comment: These are attempts to solve the problem of unemployment. But what will people do in their spare time if they are not busy with integral education? This will lead to their degradation! Besides, a shorter work week will reduce their income, and how will they make up for it? There must be fulfillment—either by alcohol or a new integral consciousness. Otherwise, this initiative will bring even greater social problems.

Related Material:
Integral Upbringing With No Sudden Movements
What To Do With The Unemployed?
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One Comment

  1. Possibly a shorter work week is its own reward?

    Maybe less money means we will purchase fewer things we don’t really need, and be happy to finally be free of this modern slavery!

    Not to mention that if we stop buying things we don’t need, there would be a lot less earth-destroying going on… Polluting factories close down, and we learn to truly enjoy our lives, not blindly looking for the next awesome gadget that people tell me I must have, to buy with money that could be used on much better things, really. purposeful things.

    Well, who knows.

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