Love That Opens The Heart

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What gives the Creator more pleasure: if we experience His love and return it to Him or if we pass it on?

Answer: In reality, spiritual love is felt not like the material one. Of course, to put it in the earthly language, we give the Creator pleasure by bringing other people closer to Him. However, the words are misleading.

Only after obtaining the properties of Bina will we understand what it all is about. Without the Light of Hassadim, a person cannot talk about love at all because he thinks based on his own desires, but not the desires of the other. Where could love come from?

Love is when the desire of the other opens up like my own, when I want what the other desires; moreover, I desire it even more than I would want for myself. The distance between us only multiplies my suffering, caused by the other person’s lack of satisfaction, and I want to fulfill his desire even more. The distance becomes an amplifier of my empathy.

This attitude appears by itself, automatically: This is how I think, how I perceive desires. And this is the salvation, the miracle. And until then, what love could it be? If I love, I care about the desires of the other above my own rejection and oppositeness. Egoism is revealed to me, and I work in the middle line—that is what love is.

After all, my soul is outside me.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/15/2011, “Introduction to TES

Related Material:
Fulfillment From The Feeling Of Love
Sweet Suffering Of Love
Kindling The Spark Of Light


  1. I have lived my life with these thoughts. What I struggle with is what I hear seems to not be recognized yet it will be correct after verbal exchange or starting a project. As if the speaker did not perceive what they said then when it becomes real suddenly realizes it is what they want.
    Have you experienced anything similar?

  2. Why is the soul outside?

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