Rich World “Pessimistic” But Developing World “Upbeat”

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from BBC News): “BBC World Service survey in 25 countries has found strikingly different attitudes to the economic outlook between rich and developing countries.

“In the rich world, consumers were pessimistic, while in emerging economies people were more upbeat.

“Japan, France, and Britain emerged as particularly gloomy. The percentage expecting good times in all three countries was in single figures. More than half expected bad times.

“In the developing world, optimists outnumbered pessimists in nearly every country surveyed. In Nigeria more than seventy per cent expected good times.”

My Comment: As we transition to equitable reasonable consumption, people in poor countries, of course, look at the future with optimism and happiness because their standard of living, in general, will rise. However, people in rich countries involuntarily look at the future with pessimism because they will lower their standard of living to a reasonable level.

That is why it needs to be explained to namely the citizens of rich countries that the new integral society will give them optimal fulfillment not through material excesses that drain and plunge people into depression, but rather fulfillment on a new level of existence, outside of oneself, in the connection between us—in the feeling of eternity and perfection.

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