Europe Has No Strategy For Exiting The Crisis

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion: (Robert Zoellick, the World Bank Chief): ‘“There is a total lack of this [leadership] now, and the longer that continues, the more money it will cost and the fewer options will remain’…

‘“The key question is whether people and governments in Europe want to establish a political and financial union to complement the currency union’…

“Zoellick called on the continent’s leaders to provide Europe with political direction as they continue to engage in dialogue.”

My Comment: The following is clear:

  • Europe still has no strategy for exiting the crisis;
  • The crucial question is: Will Europe manage to create a genuine union?

When we talk with politicians, economists, and sociologists about resolving the crisis through the integration of society, bringing it to reasonable consumption, releasing the majority of people from work, and drawing them to mandatory global integral education and training, they argue that this is too general. They want to hear concrete suggestions for how to overcome the crisis, how countries and people can get closer in practice, what can be changed in social and industrial relations, in the relations between a person and the state, and so on.

But these plans should be developed by experts in these areas. We explain the ideology of an integral society. Ideology does not complete the process of the development of a new direction, but only sets a new direction, and then “technologists” come into work. To solve the challenges of the crisis, it is necessary to organize working groups in which leading economists, business leaders, planners, and so on will work together with our specialists on the integrality of the world.

Because we have not yet begun to change our social, economic, industrial, family, and other relationships, the world continues to slide into deeper crisis. So maybe it’s time to notice us and to respond to the call to work together on creating the know-how of transition—the world’s transition to a unified perfect form.

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