“Shalit, If I Only Had A State Like Yours!”

In the News (from Ynetnews): The Arab world shows a rare appreciation of Israel’s readiness to pay such a price for one soldier.

The Syrian publicist Chalas Galbi wrote in the Syrian paper El Ailaf: In our country the government shoots you, in Israel they do everything they can to bring back rotten bones. Perhaps it is us who have a problem? Concerning the issue of the soldier, the soul, Shalit, all the politicians and the military officials in our enemy state were involved and made efforts to free him.’

Galbi contrasts this with the brutal repression of the uprising in Syria… Who is the enemy and who is a friend? Can we understand that the problem is internal and that the Israeli issue is minor? Can we understand that we conquer each other more cruelly than Israel does?’ He adds: In every prisoner exchange we cheer that we’ve smashed Israel and that it is the mother of all battles,” the exchange of the decade. We are a nation that loves to laugh, aren’t we? October 11 (the day the exchange was announced) should be accepted with condolences, crying and mourning because of the state of the Arab nation.’

The Kuwaiti reporter Akabal El-Achmed dared to express an unconventional opinion in the local newspaper El-Kabas: Shalit, you are lucky to have such a homeland… I wish we could all be like you Shalit… May Allah bless you in your homeland, Shalit… Do you know why I envy Shalit… why I wished to be in his place and why I blessed him for his homeland? It is because of the human value and its meaning in his homeland… In our Arab world the government is the one who kills, who arrests, and who makes its citizens, both men and women, disappear from under the sun…’

I pray day and night that I could be like Shalit in my country… that the media would be interested in me… that I would be like Shalit and there would be different kinds of pressures so that I would return to my family if I were missing because I did something for my country. Good for you, Shalit, that you are a citizen in your homeland, good for you that you are important and valuable. Good for you that the whole world and not only your homeland are following your whereabouts since the first day you were kidnapped… Shalit, your are lucky to have such a homeland.'”

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One Comment

  1. I agree and good for Galbi and El Achmed for saying what they did. It takes a special person to be able to be happy for others and recognize the good in others as they have!

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