How Great Is Your Creation

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Creator wishes for His palace to be filled with guests equal to Him. And this means that they have to include into themselves an enormous desire that has two sides: the good and the evil, the Creator’s nature and the nature opposite to Him.

If the created beings in their desires ascend to His exalted degree, while their nature is egoistic, aimed at their own benefit, and completely opposite to the Creator, they thereby detach from Him and take a position opposite to Him, as it were.

Later on, they correct themselves by clothing their ego, the will to receive pleasure, in an external “garment,” the intention to bestow. It is the Creator, the Light that Reforms, that helps them make this correction. Due to this, they gain the Creator’s force. As a result, the created being already contains two forces: its own internal force, the will to receive pleasure, which is enormous and equal to the Creator, and a force above it, the force of bestowal, as great and equal as the Creator’s.

This is how the creature comes into being. It is opposite to the Creator and dependent on Him by nature, while on the other hand, it is totally equal and similar to Him.

By comparing and distinguishing between these two parallel systems, the internal egoistic one and the external bestowing one, a person learns wisdom and understands creation from end to end. After all, there is nothing else besides these forces acting in all creation.

And then, possessing both these forces, the properties of reception and bestowal, as well as knowing how to employ them, that is, having wisdom, the created being can become similar to the Creator while remaining a creation nevertheless.

When this entire program begins to get actualized in practice and all these forces start participating in it, it overtakes all creation, and no force is able to object to or resist it. In truth, every force has its own role and each one contributes to perfection.

Therefore, at first the angels seemed surprised at why the Creator created such evil and egoistic man and asked: “Why on earth do you need this grief?!” But eventually, they saw that all these forces add to one another to a fully complete, perfect system, and it cannot be achieved otherwise. At that point, they agreed and said: “How great is Your Name in all the earth,” meaning in this whole desire (Earth in Hebrew, Aretz, means desire, Ratzon) created by the Creator.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/27/2011, “Introduction to the Book, Panim Meirot uMasbirot

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One Comment

  1. In truth indeed, within truth and when true nothing can stop it. The truth is real, living and eternal, and within it is every part with it’s role to play.

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