Quantum Physics: A Journey To Flatland

We must come out of our world – “flatland,” where we perceive the universe through the quality of “reception,” and enter the next dimension, where we will perceive the universe through the quality of “bestowal” (outside of us):


Related Material:
Quantum Physics Meets Kabbalah
eBook – Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life

The Kabbalah TV Channel On YES 66

tvchannelOn November 24, 2008, there is a new “Kabbalah” TV channel on Israeli television, an addition to Kabbalah TV content.

All the programs are broadcast directly from the television studio at the Bnei Baruch Education and Research Institute.

The broadcast happens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on channel 66 of the “YES” television company.

Viewers of all ages can choose from a broad selection of programs that shed light on the events of our lives through the wisdom of Kabbalah.


The Kabbalah TV Channel Has Been Aired

Today, 11.24.2008, starting at 1:50 AM Israel time

We have aired the Channel 66 YES (in Israel).

It is a live, around the clock broadcast

of the “Kabbalah Channel.”

All the programs are made in our TV studio.

(Note: This has no connection to the Engilsh TV channel, Kabbalah TV.)

America Is Waking Up

The Congress in St. Louis showed that America is really waking up. Americans have always considered themselves a nation of pioneers, a nation that discovers something new. And that is what’s going to happen: America is going to tell the whole world about Kabbalah, about the correction of the world and the attainment of its goal. But first, we have to tell America about Kabbalah. Our North American groups showed that they are ready to do so.

Here are some memorable moments from the St. Louis Congress:

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Lessons from the St. Louis Congress
Laitman.com Post: More Lessons from the St. Louis Congress

Physics Has Reached The Unknown – The Boundary Between The Physical And Spiritual Worlds – 2

Quantum Entanglement:


Baal HaSulam Describes The Conditions Of Life In A Globalized World

The Greatest Thing You Can Attain Is the Greatest Thing That There IsBaal HaSulam. Article “Freedom of Will:”
“When mankind attains its goal, meaning ascends to the degree of complete love for the fellow man, when all the people in the world will unite in a single heart – only then will all the happiness intended for humanity be revealed in all its glory.”

Baal HaSulam. Article “Peace in the World:”
“First and foremost, each person must thoroughly understand, and explain to those around him, that peace in society, peace in the nation, and peace on the planet are absolutely interconnected.”

Baal HaSulam. Article “The Future Generation:”
“The ethical form, determining the life of every nation, primarily must obligate people to bestow to others according to the principle of “love thy neighbor as thyself.” This will be the social consciousness of all the nations. But except for this, every nation can follow its own religion and tradition, and no nation should interfere with another.”

Baal HaSulam. Article “The Peace:”
“Egoistic resistance between people and nations can only disappear from the world with the help of the Upper Force of the Creator (Nature), if we will wish to unite with Him. This was initially planned in the thought of creation. And if we will strive toward this goal of adhesion with the Creator, then envy, pride, and hatred will disappear, and we will all gather in one heart, filled with the knowledge of the Creator.”

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The Source of Happiness
Laitman.com Post: We Must Only Unite Our Points In the Heart
Kabbalah Today Article: Love Is the Way
Love – The Law of Life
Article: “Spirit and Body”

Unity For The Right Purpose Can Stabilize The Banking System

purposeNews Report (from SafeHaven): Professor Antal E. Fekete of the Gold Standard University Live (also Professor Emeritus, Memorial University of Newfoundland) writes the following in the article “The way to resolve the credit crisis: Recapitalize the banks with gold”: …paper assets are subject to annihilation (e.g., when the bank is consolidated with its counterparts holding the liability side of that asset). Suppose we consolidate the balance sheets of the global banking system. Then all assets will be wiped out with the sole exception of gold. But since the global banking system as it is presently constituted has no gold assets, under any consolidation the banks will be denuded of assets while note and deposit liabilities to the public remain. This is why the regime of irredeemable currency is susceptible to collapse that could be violent, taking place with lightening speed. It can also be seen that trying to save banks from collapsing through consolidation, mergers, takeovers, and shotgun marriages is pouring oil on the fire: it accelerates the meltdown of bank capital, rather than retarding it.

My Comment: The salvation lies in universal and equal unity, in creating a single civilization where every person gives and receives according to the law of a confined system – for the system’s common good. If the banks will unite with this purpose, it will save them from the destruction of the entire banking system.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Instead of Seeking to Change our Economic Systems, We Should Draw the Upper Light of Correction
Kabbalah Today Article: What Is Happening to Our Economy?

Gordon Brown And Barack Obama On The Crisis

Article in the Newspaper "Yedioth Aharonot"UK’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown:
…the world financial crisis can become the accelerator for the creation of a new kind of society, unique in its aspirations.

…together we can seize this moment of profound change to create, for the first time, the age of the truly global society — one where people find that what unites them is far greater that what ever divided them.

These last weeks and months will be studied by generations to come. Historians will look back and say this was no ordinary time but a defining moment: an unprecedented period of global change, a time when one chapter ended and another began – for nations; for continents; for the whole world.

USA’s President-elect Barack Obama:
…our global economic crisis requires a coordinated global response.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Gordon Brown, “Seize This Moment of Change to Create a Truly Global Society”
Laitman.com Post: The Financial Crisis Is Helping Us to Understand Our Reality
Laitman.com Post: Obama: A Chance for Hope or Another Disappointment?

Falling In Order To Rise

riseA question I received: Can you explain the phrase “falling in order to rise” and how it is expressed in action? When a person who’s been studying Kabbalah for a year suddenly falls so deep into the animate level that he does things he never did before Kabbalah, is this falling in order to rise? Is this the correct process of revelation? How is this useful?

My Answer: This is explained by all the books on one’s inner work:

  • First, a person’s egoism increases,
  • Then he recognizes that the egoism is evil,
  • He then desires to break away from it,
  • But then he realizes that it is impossible,
  • He then recognizes that only the Creator can do this to him if he will ask,
  • Then he makes lengthy efforts to appeal to the Creator,
  • And finally, the Light corrects him, revealing the sensation of the spiritual world – the quality of bestowal and love.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The Consequences of Egoism’s Growth!
Laitman.com Post: Be Happy About Egoisms Growth
Interview with the Future: “The Exodus from Egypt – From Corporeality to Sprituality”
Attaining the Worlds Beyond: “Eradicating Egoism” [36:12]

The Financial Crisis Is For Our Own Good

goodGlobalization is the revelation of the law of connection among people. However, instead of being beneficial, it is causing problems in our society because every person desires to use the global system of people’s connection into one organism, for his personal gain, instead of the way the system is designed to be used: for everyone to use it together for the well-being of us all.

Today we are interconnected with each other like organs in one body, and the life of the collective depends on everyone. Under these conditions it is useless to be egoistically honest – to create a global government, a world bank, or a common regulator. This will not help us stop being opposite to Nature and its law of universal interconnection. Instead, we must change our relationships from commercial to integral, to be based on the consideration of others as yourself. Even the most honest relationships of “what’s mine is mine and what’s your is yours” and the politics of non-violence will continue evoking crises until we realize what we have to do.

Kabbalah proposes that we start seeing humanity as a single organism and learn about how to behave correctly in our new state. Even if we don’t change anything about our relationships in the beginning, by just studying the laws of communication and distribution in a single organism, we already stop being opposite to nature – and then we will immediately feel a reduction in the suffering.

The most practical solution to the crisis is to study its true cause. Or in other words, to learn to live in an integral society, where the benefit of every individual depends on every other individual. Moreover, we must teach this law of nature to our children.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: What’s the Right Way to Create Contracts In the Age of Globalization?
Laitman.com Post: Reflections on the Crisis
Laitman.com Post: Laws of the Future Society