Inner Meaning of Four Letters of HaVaYaH

548.03The four phases in the desire are the meaning of the four letters… in the four-letter Name HaVaYaH: The tip of the Yod is Ein Sof, meaning the operating force included the thought of creation (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, “Inner Observation,” Chapter 8, Item 31).

The tip of the letter Yod  is the very beginning of creation when there is still no clear desire on its part, but only development on the part of the Creator.

The letter Yod is already the development of desire, the feeling of a certain light inside the desire.

The first Hey is Bina, meaning phase two, regarded as the actualization of the potential.

The difference between Hey and Yod is that the desire created by the light in the first phase begins to feel it exists and regards the light as filling it. This stage is called Binah. It wants to become similar to the light.

The letter Vav means Zeir Anpin or the third phase. This phase is the combination of the first and second phases when both the light of Hochma and the light of Hassadim are inside the desire, and the desire continues to form itself. As a result, it comes to a state where it wants to receive only the light of Hochma.

The last, fourth phase is called Malchut, it is the formed desire. This is creation. We are a part of this Malchut, and therefore we feel ourselves as receiving.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 1/15/23

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