The Universe Is Only For The Sake Of Man

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: According to the theory of integrality, in reality there are no other civilizations than those on the earth. The people who live on the earth are the only subjects in the huge picture in the space of Ein Sof (infinity). It turns out that all the universe was created so that we would grow and feel something else within ourselves.

Answer: The universe was created so that we would attain the next level of existence above this nature, that we would discover and enter into the next level, its thinnest. This is the level of eternity, perfection, complete harmony. In order to enter this level, we must study harmony from nature, its perfection, the mutual cooperation there, its interdependence, and imitate it.

Question: For this, should we educate children and adults, or is it already too late to educate adults?

Answer: We need to educate senior citizens and young people as well since each person is equal according to this level, each person is necessary. Since if you perceive nature as being integral, then each one of its components, like in an analog system, there is the same level of importance for each of its components.

Together with this, there is no difference in the language in which this theory is presented to children and adults. The point is that each person, by knowing themselves and by their efforts, enters into the level of mutual cooperation like the cells in our body.

Full mutual cooperation brings a guarantee for an absolutely healthy system, and then we feel ourselves at the next level. Also, the period of achievement is determined in advance. We need to reach it soon. And if we, ourselves, don’t long for this, then we will feel how the unpleasant forces push us from behind in a forceful manner.
From KabTV’s “The Global Crisis” 3/19/13

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One Comment

  1. Perhaps it’s good that this statement helps clarify the fact that this education has impact beyond corporeality, “We need to educate senior citizens and young people as well since each person is equal according to this level” I hope I can be among those who teach in this new world. Together as ONE <3<3<3

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