Entries in the 'Thoughts on Twitter' Category

My Thoughts On Twitter 6/5/21

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

In the Port of #Oakland, USA, under pressure from Pro-Palestinian activists, the Israeli cargo ship #Volans was not allowed to unload.
Don’t be surprised—after you voted for #Biden! Everything is still ahead!
From Twitter, 6/5/21

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My Thoughts On Twitter 5/30/21

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

We won’t be able to affect the deterioration of the climate in any way, other than by our relationships. Because of them, it is changing for the worse, and because of them, it can also start changing for the better.
We exist in a closed system of nature, where our thoughts and relationships are its highest force!

In our world, only Isra-El, one who rises above #egoism, has freedom of will (of decisions and behavior). Otherwise one is ruled by one’s animate egoism. Therefore we have to see the world as a world of puppets that are controlled by the Creator according to our choice to behave in the quality of bestowal.

The riots in #Israel will stop only if the #Jews carry out the Creator’s commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” to rise above the individual egoism. Otherwise the Arabs will “teach” us the right relationships. Because we are at the last stage of correction! The Creator is managing us through them…

Why does the #UN investigate Israel’s actions in Gaza in the May 2021 military campaign, but doesn’t talk about the victims on Israel’s side?
It’s because it’s okay to kill #Jews!
And if they don’t do it, then they are to blame for everything!
From Twitter, 5/30/21

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My Thoughts On Twitter 5/23/21

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

Following an attack by Islamists, #Facebook is obliterating the largest pro-Israel page. This will happen in all media across the world. #Israel will find itself completely isolated.
And the guilt for this lies on the nation of #Israel itself, which does not wish to realize that the whole correction of the world depends only on it!

All the problems in the world come only because the #Jews are not united. There are 2 kinds of unity: on the level of this world, and most importantly, on the spiritual level, in the Creator. As a result, the whole world will meet in the Creator. And this is the end of all correction. Thus we have arrived at the beginning …

Every #war destroys our nation more and more. We are given the opportunity to come closer to one another internally, but we do not use it. When will we understand that peace is created only by us, between us!
From Twitter, 5/23/21

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My Thoughts On Twitter 5/17/21

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

What to do with a nation that no one likes? What kind of nation is this? When will they understand what the world awaits from them? How do we explain to the #Jews and to the whole world that everything depends on the Jews? On #Shavuot, the Torah’s birthday, let’s understand the Torah’s purpose: for us to gain awareness… #torah #israel

Israel’s antiterrorist operation must include, first of all, the unification of the nation of #Israel. This is a strategic response to Islamic #terrorism. The final result of the war depends on it.

Bennet: How many #Jews have to be killed for the world to love us?
Laitman: how many Jews have to be LOVED for the world to love us? This is the meaning of observing the whole.

All the countries are falling apart from the inside, especially the #EU countries. This process will keep exacerbating in order to compel people to fight the #egoism that grows between them!
From Twitter, 5/17/21

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My Thoughts On Twitter 4/25/21

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

“Dr. Kurt Fleischer, the leader of the Liberals in the Berlin Jewish Community Assembly, argued in 1929 that “Anti-Semitism is the scourge that God has sent us in order to lead us together and weld us together”
Source: Donald L. Niewyk, The Jews in Weimar #Germany
From Twitter, 4/25/21

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My Thoughts On Twitter 4/5/21

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

Spiritual progress happens through our mutual #inclusion in one another: the smaller the distance between us, the closer we are to the Creator. We will start to feel that this is the same distance. And then we will see that by separating us, the Pharaoh works for our own good.
From Twitter, 4/5/21

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My Thoughts On Twitter 4/4/21

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

Between #truth and falsehood, we can enter into the form called the Creator. “Bo-re” – “come and see.” I come from a lie, His opposite state, to Him, to the truth. All attainment is the revelation of the truth. Truth is the source of life in which we discover and feel everything.

The Creator is the Upper force, and the truth is His program. The program can work if it includes the opposite form, falsehood. Falsehood in the Creator is His opposite. To understand the Creator, creatures must be created from two forms: truth and falsehood.

Everything around us is a lie. If we treat a lie as coming from the Creator, directing us to the right state, then for us this lie is part of the truth. I’m ready to be in a lie if it leads to the truth. Then I can understand it, feel it, and it will change me, lead me to the truth

In our world, truth is a lie. We can’t live without it. April Fool’s is not just a day of the year. We’ve been constantly lying to each other all year. The evil inclination, egoism, forces us to lie because we do not want to tell each other the truth but what is beneficial to us.

The Upper force is the general force of #nature. All nature is a program, all its parts are interconnected and united. Congruence with the Upper force gives us the feeling of living inside a good force—everyone can succeed in all that they do, for it is all aimed at unification.

Unification happens inside man’s desire. All desires unite, and in the single desire start resembling the Upper force. Everything comes to similarity: people “below” and the Upper force of nature “above.” They develop contact and support between them, and start to feel each other.

We are unable to unite with each other, nor can we exist without #unity. We cannot conquer each other, nor can we free ourselves from the power of #evil, #egoism. We are at an impasse and don’t know what to do. But we have the opportunity to tip the scales one way or the other.

There are two forces at work in society: the force of unification, love, rapprochement, dialogue, cooperation, and the force that separates people, sets them against each other and creates rivalry. There are periods of each of these developments. We cannot control such processes.

What is the difference between Kabbalistic dates and holidays and secular or religious ones? By the fact that they originate from their true source—the Torah, descending from the Creator of the Upper light, and its manifestation in the desire—created matter.
From Twitter, 4/4/21

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My Thoughts On Twitter 3/31/21

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

We will not be able to organize a good society by debating “who is right and who is wrong.” The one who’s right is the one who wishes to unite with those who are against him. We thereby give the Creator a place for revelation and management.
We have just one head of government—”above.”

In the network of forces between us, in opposition to one another and, at the same time, by rising above the rejection, we reveal the upper force. Only when we are united above all the differences does the upper force become revealed and rules over us.

The Creator created us opposite—we all live in #hatred and rejection from each other. But we should not take the breakage into account. On the contrary, “Love will cover all sins.” No matter how many sins we reveal, we must reveal love above them.
From Twitter, 3/31/21

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My Thoughts On Twitter 3/25/21

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

In the news: In Japan in 2020 the number of #suicides was higher than the number of #coronavirus deaths.
This sounds like an invitation to increase the dissemination of Kabbalah in #Japan…!
From Twitter, 3/25/21

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My Thoughts On Twitter 3/23/21

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

Everything that happens to us is sent to us by the Creator. He commits a transgression, and we cover it with love. We cannot destroy his work, but thanks to Him creating transgressions and hatred, we can reach love and unity. One is impossible without the other.

Either we are coming closer to goodness and unity, or to a third world nuclear war. How much time will it take? The Creator has no concept of time. The program will not change. As Baal HaSulam writes, millions of years later, life and the process of development….will begin anew on planet Earth.

We are opposite to one another, but along with that we complement one another and thus reach perfection. No one can exist with another person unless he forcefully bends him. A developed person wants good, pure-hearted relationships, not out of fear.

There’s no bad or good. Each one considers the other bad, and himself good. Complementing is when despite fights and arguments, each one understands how to properly coexist with others, mutually complementing one another for the sake of society. For the sake of society and not only for one’s own sake.

We have an evil and good inclination. It is written, “Two cling to the talit“—each one says, “everything is mine.” they argue. Either they’ll tear a person apart or the person will be able to unite them. Neither quality can leave the stage: not the historical, nor the human, both are present everywhere.

The force of #Moses pulls out those who understand that living in the state of Egypt is low and miserable, that we are controlled by our #egoism, and it obligates us to lead this kind of life. Rising above egoism is our work, our mission, our goal. This is the meaning of the #Passover holiday.

#Passover is a transition from the control of the ego-desire, “everything for me,” even when it is harmful to the neighbor, to the desire “for the sake of others”—even at one’s own expense. This is a leap from #egoism to bestowal, from #hatred to love when we change our life and shift from the evil inclination—the will to receive, to a good one—the will to bestow.

We are between heaven and earth, under Pharaoh’s power. We want to run away from him, but don’t understand how. The young generation is looking for what it can do with its life, “What are we living for,” “Why?” We must help it find a way to come out of #Egypt, rise above all the egoistic values of Egypt, and find new ones. #Passover
From Twitter, 3/23/21

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