Entries in the 'Philosophy' Category

Philosophy: A Building Without A Foundation

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy”: …for we do not define by name or word that which we do not attain. That is because a word designates some degree of attainment.

The root of everything is the unattainable and imperceptible essence of the Creator (Atzmuto). We never speak about it because something can be described something only on the basis of their attainment through our bodily senses when we analyze our sensations with our brain.

A person consists of two parts: mind and emotion. The emotional part is a desire. The part that measures and explores is the mind, which develops next to the desire. If we don’t experience any “feedback” from either of these two parts, it means that we are deprived of the ability to perceive. The “insight” happens in the desire that lies underneath a dry, mental analysis.

As it is said in the “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” besides Atzmuto, there also exists an abstract form that we are unable to attain. As opposed to abstract form, both materialized form and matter are attainable. Thus, in Kabbalah, attainment occurs from bottom to top to the extent it is actually possible.

On the other hand, philosophers do not contemplate the steps of ascent; they talk about some “force” that is outside us and scholastically deliberate on it as if this kind of “research” is legitimate. This kind of approach has actually ruined philosophy. Today nobody takes it seriously. When it comes to abstract conversations, everybody hypothesizes as much as they want to. Moreover, this principle lies at the very foundation of philosophy; a person can build their own picture of the world based on speculation; it is “legal.” This “pluralism” has resulted in a fountain of fantasies and nothing is left of the serious real foundation.

The wisdom of Kabbalah, on the other hand, declares a very simple thing: Reality can be explored only by the observer, meaning, it can be researched only in conjunction with the explorer. Everything is evaluated through the observer and the picture that is created in the observer’s bodily sensors is in accordance with the law of similarity of properties. A person is comprised of both matter and form.

Matter is the desire to receive.

Form is the intention either for the sake of receiving or for the sake of bestowal.

We perceive reality through ourselves in accordance with the level of our ability to change. What is outside us, we just don’t know. Discoveries of Kabbalists can’t be applied to our personal research until we achieve the same level they did.

So, we use the wisdom of Kabbalah to attract powers from these steps, trying to reach them, like little children who strive to grow. In other words, we still use the wisdom of Kabbalah as a “special remedy” that is not clear to us yet, but it works. Then, when we attain revelation, we will research and apprehend the same phenomena inside our own vessels. At that time, Kabbalah books will help us examine ourselves and will direct our advancement.

But still, we never know what actually is outside us. Kabbalists who advanced further due to their internal changes tell us about some 125 steps of attainment and describe what they have perceived at each of these steps. They outline specific remedies that will allow us to widen our limits of perception. Their desires are vessels of the soul; they perceive something called “Divinity,” the power of bestowal that emerged in them to the degree of their similarity of properties with Divinity. When receiving desires shape themselves as bestowing ones, they feel that “something” is fulfilling them. This “something” is called the “upper force” or the “Light.” But again, that, too, is perceived only by the person.

So, the “Light” is a reaction that happens in our sensations, in our receiving desires, as it is being filled. In other words, the “Light” is a phenomenon in the vessel. Even the Light that in Kabbalah is called “external” is, in fact, located inside the vessels, only more distant from clear perception. One way or the other, it’s always about what is happening inside our sensations and desires. This is the way we advance.

Regarding Atzmuto: according to our logic, we say that there is a higher root. We never sense it, nor will we ever attain it; however, by of course, there must be the source of our existence, of our sensations, and all the changes in us. And yet, no matter what we feel, we feel it only in accordance with our own properties. That’s why the “Creator” (Boreh) means “Come and See” (Bo-Reh). This phenomenon I also perceive internally and Atzmuto is outside us.

The entire reality is divided into three parts:

A man

The fact that he feels

The source of his feelings, which is imperceptible

The approach of the science of Kabbalah calls upon everyone to study reality. After all,  there is the commandment, “Know your Creator and serve Him.” How? According to the principle “From Your actions we will know You.” Man changes himself and is constantly trying to come into agreement with the upper force and become similar to it. Then he feels the changes made in him, and according to these changes, begins sensing new phenomena. It is the upper force to which he aspired.

So the “Creator” is a new modified form clothed in  the changes that happen to us, the property of bestowal that is revealing itself within us. Subsequently, the wisdom of Kabbalah is very strict about its major rule: Never detach reality from the person comprehending it. Otherwise, we’ll end up being philosophers.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/5/12, “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy”

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Kabbalah And Occult Teachings
Thank You Psychologists, Farewell Philosophers
Kabbalah And Other Sciences, Philosophy, and Religion

Thank You Psychologists, Farewell Philosophers

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy”: Not only is it the wrong place to argue with them about their fabricated conjectures, but also the time of supporters of such views has already passed and their authority revoked. We should also thank the experts of materialistic psychology for that, which built its plinth on the ruin of the former, winning the public’s favor. Now everyone admits to the nullity of philosophy, for it is not built on concrete foundations. …Hence, we are grateful to materialistic psychology for handing it a deadly blow.

This is a very delicate subject. At the time, philosophy tried to dominate the Jewish people and to take the place of the wisdom of Kabbalah. Psychology seemed to keep the place of the wisdom of Kabbalah, while philosophy has reached its end. But during the 20th century psychology has spent itself completely.

In order to jump onto the table you have to jump higher than the table. Accordingly, we cannot investigate man without rising above him. As long as psychologists studied the natural “animal” tendencies of man, they succeeded. They even managed to identify and to organize the pyramid of desires that Abraham Maslow described.

Still these are simple small revelations. At the moment, however, when psychologists are trying to penetrate a bit more deeply, they encounter great confusion. The problem here is that, in contrast to the exact sciences that study fixed laws that don’t change, psychology deals with “changing” laws. It’s because a person constantly changes, especially in our times. So the results of studies quickly become outdated: After several years both the researcher and his subjects change and are no longer who they were initially.

So psychology doesn’t have a concrete foundation. It isn’t an exact science, but a combination of different minor, narrow, limited, individual studies. So eventually, today when philosophy has become a “dirty word,” psychology, too, is exhausted. We are now on the finish line.
From the 4th Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/20/12, “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy”

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The Wisdom Of Kabbalah And Philosophy: Who Has The Last Word?
Psychology As A Mirror Reflecting The Development Of Ego
Stop Groping In The Dark

About Facts And Myths

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, “The Peace,” First Method: Nature

This method is an ancient one. Since they did not find a way and an outlet to bring these two conspicuous opposites closer, they came to assume that the Creator, who created all these, who watches mightily over His reality lest any of it be cancelled, is mindless and senseless.

Hence, although He watches over the existence of reality with wondrous wisdom, yet He Himself is mindless, and does all that senselessly. If there had been any reason and feeling in Him, He would certainly not leave such malfunctions in the provision of reality without pity and compassion for the tormented. For this reason, they named Him “Nature,” meaning a mindless, heartless supervisor. And for that reason, they believe that there is no one to be angry at, to pray to, or to justify oneself to.

This is an ancient concept, approach, although we see it as a new attainment of materialism. The simplest way is to see the world as it is, and this was actually the initial approach of humanity. Religions, beliefs, and philosophical approaches came along much later, when man developed internally, became more complex, and began to invent different myths. In the beginning people simply saw nature and lived in it like animals who also don’t believe in anything. This is how we should actually relate to nature, as it says, “a judge only has what his eyes can see.”

The following approaches stemmed from the disagreement with what happens in nature; people invented them as different excuses, and so they are all false. In fact, we see facts that are independent of our attitude towards them. But man invents different excuses in order to sweeten life or to enjoy false hopes.

A healthy attitude to life is in the scientific approach. We see the effect of unchangeable exact laws everywhere, the activity of systems and the periodicity of natural elements. If I see that that’s the way things are, then it is so, and don’t offer me different lies. I see the truth and any addition to it is individual and cannot be counted on. It is in these additions that beliefs are created, while nature is revealed in facts as it actually is.

The wisdom of Kabbalah continues this approach, telling us about the principles of the perception of reality. We see this world before us, and, except for that it, says that there is a whole area called “the upper world,” which is not imaginary, but which can be studied scientifically. Thus the wisdom of Kabbalah continues conventional science and conducts research beyond the boundaries of conventional science.

About Facts And Myths
With the help of the wisdom of Kabbalah, I continue scientific research and develop new vessels of perception, expand their range, and keep the principle of “a judge only has what his eyes can see.” There is nothing more than that; everything else, including religions, is actually philosophy.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/14/12, “The Peace”

Related Material:
The Science Of Changing Oneself
Are The Exact Sciences Really So Exact?
The Wisdom Of Kabbalah And Philosophy: Who Has The Last Word?

When Science Turns Into Bargaining

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe cannot speak about something seriously, scientifically, based on facts that we haven’t discovered. We try to study the complex reality of this world in parts, and even if we cannot separate one from the other, we can still describe things and have something to rely on.

On the other hand, we don’t know what the Light and vessel mean, an action and a potential, what time, motion, and space are in the spiritual sense and how to rise above them. Here we don’t even identify basic elements and in fact cannot discuss these details.

Baal HaSulam says that “philosophy has wrapped itself in a Tallit that isn’t hers,” which means that it deals with something that doesn’t belong to it. How is it possible to discuss abstract concepts, the Light and vessel, and a dimension that is above this world if you are not there. If you imagine it, go to Hollywood, perhaps they will make a movie of your fantasies. In any case, it isn’t science and not even opinions that presume to be scientific, but fancy in its pure form.

So after exaggerating in abstract descriptions, philosophers left them and today they don’t deal with “earthly” studies anymore. They are unable to continue presenting their own theoretical concepts.

This is another aspect of the crisis that shows us man’s limitations in dealing with this world. If evolution has brought him to rise to a higher level and he doesn’t do anything, he discovers the limits of his path and the crisis.

Philosophy is basically a science about life, something that is sublime and that requires that a person rise above his nature. He has to be objective, he has to be adapted to nature; he has to rise above the human level in this world. Once philosophers operated in this direction. Plato and Aristotle, for example, warned about the passing of the wisdom to those who were not worthy of it. They understood the greatness of the wisdom and understood human nature, and worked above it in order to be above it in some way.

Today there is no trace of this, on the contrary, scientists want to “enjoy both worlds,” which means that they are after a double benefit: both scientific and financial. This is the end of the wisdom. It has been sold.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/6/12, “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy”

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The Wisdom Of Kabbalah And Philosophy: Who Has The Last Word?
Deviations Are Impossible
Don’t Make Hasty Conclusions

The Wisdom Of Kabbalah And Philosophy: Who Has The Last Word?

Dr. Michael LaitmanLet’s first clarify the relationship between the wisdom of Kabbalah and philosophy.

On the whole, philosophy studies what life is, what is its meaning, its purpose, and what man’s attitude to life and to nature is.

In one word, philosophy seems to encompass everything. At the same time it isn’t called a science, because it studies man and the human level of reality, in other words, the sphere that we cannot measure. There are no clear and accurate opinions here that can be accepted as facts.

In scientific methods, we study the still, vegetative, and animate nature, which are lower levels that man looks down upon from the height of the next evolutionary level. We can descend to them, perceive them, investigate, and understand them. This also applies to our body that belongs to the animate level of nature.

But we cannot study the “human” in us accurately. We try to classify different phenomena, responses, perceptions, thoughts, and inner desires scientifically, but we don’t succeed. Why? Because it is our own level, the same level, and I can only study what is below me.

This is the whole problem. It is common knowledge, although science actually started from man’s approach to himself and to life. It is no coincidence that degrees in all fields are called “Doctor of Philosophy” (PhD), although they have nothing to do with philosophy. The general approach to yourself and to reality is simply called “philosophy.”

This term is actually derived from the wisdom of Kabbalah. Here is what 16th century German humanist and linguist Johann Reuchlin, one of the greatest experts in ancient languages, a personal advisor to Emperor Maximillian I, and who maintained contact with the Platonic Academy says:

“My teacher Pythagoras, the father of philosophy, probably received his wisdom from the Jews and not from the Greeks, and he is the first who had translated the word “Kabbalah”, which was not familiar to people in his times, to the Greek word “philosophy.” Pythagoras’ philosophy stemmed from the infinite sea of Kabbalah… the wisdom of Kabbalah doesn’t let us spend our lives in the dust, but raises our mind to the summit of knowledge.”

Philosophers would like to show that their field encompasses every aspect in life. By the way, until recently, in order to study Kabbalah at a university, one had to be accepted to the faculty of philosophy. People still assume that Kabbalah is part of philosophy, although the true philosophers themselves admit that it is not.

In any case, this is a different matter. The modern world disrespects philosophy and rightly so, since many study philosophy today only in order to get a degree. But when we speak about philosophy, we refer to a worldview, to a perception of life, a paradigm of some sort. Each of us is a philosopher internally. Accordingly, we have to understand, what about these approaches is important and what isn’t.

A person’s perspective, his attitude to life and to himself, is constantly changing, and eventually over this sphere rises the wisdom of Kabbalah, the opening of philosophy, just as it was discovered from other religions, after ages of concealment. This wisdom waited for humanity to grow and develop. In the beginning of history it generated sciences and philosophy, and today in times of global crisis, it is revealed again, after the religions and philosophy, by being the only approach a person has to life. The wisdom of Kabbalah includes all the perceptions and so eventually it replaces them.
From the 4th part the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/4/12, “Kabbalah and Philosophy”

Related Material:
Kabbalah And Other Sciences, Philosophy, and Religion
A Science Beyond Limits
All Sciences Examine The Creator

Kabbalah And Occult Teachings

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Does Lurianic Kabbalah reject occult hermetic sciences? Can a materialistically oriented person consider hermetic sciences real? Do they actually exist, or not?

Answer: All hermetic sciences are not real; they have no basis for them whatsoever, they’re just a figment of somebody’s imagination, a fantasy. Having my doctorate in Philosophy (the subject of my thesis is “Philosophy, Religion and Kabbalah”) gives me the right to state with confidence that Kabbalah is a pure science.

Because philosophy and any other of our attempts to understand reality are based not on research but solely on reason, which is really based on what is not known, as a rule, they are based on our egoism, but we do not realize it.

As a result, philosophy died a long time ago. All so-called spiritual teachings are gradually vanishing, since people rise above them and see that they are invalid. There are no substantiations or verifications concerning the seriousness of multiple spiritual teachings. They’re exclusively based upon our sensations, but as we all know, feelings can be very diverse; that’s why presently there are about 2800 religions and belief systems, and we see them gradually disappearing.

Kabbalah is not for or against them. It stands aside them; it explores nature as physics or any other regular science does. The major principle of Kabbalah is investigating nature, becoming similar to it, and winning. Kabbalah is a very concrete science; it doesn’t talk about the soul in the way religions do. A soul in Kabbalah signifies an extremely serious and profound attainment and understanding of the world in which we currently live. The purpose of this kind of realization is staying afloat and protecting ourselves from a huge storm that approaches us in response to our ignorance and unwillingness to follow the laws of nature.
From the Georgia Convention, 11/5/12, Lesson 1

Related Material:
Kabbalah And Other Sciences, Philosophy, and Religion
A Science Beyond Limits
The Exit From The Labyrinth Of Suffering

Time Of Ripening

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam: “Time to Act”: For a long time now, my conscience has burdened me with a demand to come out and create a fundamental composition regarding the essence of Judaism, religion, and the wisdom of Kabbalah, and spread it among the nation, so people will come to know and properly understand these exalted matters in their true meaning.

We have to understand how difficult it is for a Kabbalist to act outside his framework. After all, there are significant restrictions on the revelations of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Even now, when not much has been revealed yet, we see that humanity has acquired from the wisdom of Kabbalah the foundations of the animate level of existence in many aspects. It has enriched the world by different methods throughout history: by the Greek philosophers and by different students who leaked the wisdom. The religions were born as a result: first Judaism, then Christianity, and then Islam. Different beliefs stemmed from this in the days of Abraham among the people of the East.

Eventually everything stems from crumbs of the wisdom of Kabbalah, which speaks about the forces that operate in the world and which bring a person to the predetermined correction.

On this basis people have established philosophical approaches, metaphysical studies, different theological doctrines, etc. Later these patterns became a great obstacle on the way to the truth. People were confused since they took separate systematic descriptions from the wisdom of Kabbalah and they created different systems and concepts from them as they saw fit. Thus, they tried to confirm their own claim to truth and power, denying the accuracy of Kabbalah. We should learn from these examples: People have a systematic perspective from the wisdom of Kabbalah and turn it into something that is beneficial to them.

Because of this there was a ban on revealing the wisdom of Kabbalah. After all, if the Light is poured into an unprepared vessel, it is called “immature fruit,” and it is an obstacle in receiving the truth; it evokes hatred towards Israel and distances people from correction.

As a result the sages were very careful and didn’t reveal the wisdom of Kabbalah. Even if a person had heard about it he couldn’t get any information about it. Only in the last thirty years did Kabbalah books begin to appear in stores although not everywhere. Before, it was simply impossible to find them.

Moreover, Kabbalists set serious limitations regarding potential student and even spread negative rumors to keep the Jewish people from approaching the wisdom of Kabbalah. If a person is not intended for it, if doesn’t have a true burning desire, he shouldn’t deal with this wisdom. First he has to go through certain phases of development, since we are all parts of the general desire that ripens gradually.

Only today has the time come when there is nothing to fear anymore. On the contrary, we have to spread the wisdom of Kabbalah, which means to act in opposite ways.

On the whole, Baal HaSulam was the first Kabbalist to reveal this wisdom to the masses. He wrote a lot for the general public, including the newspaper The Nation and other articles. Who knows what thoughts, concern and efforts it cost him since he was in Warsaw at the beginning of the last century when he decided that there was no choice and that we have to turn to everyone.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/23/12, “Time to Act”

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Beware Of Substitutes
The Revelation Of Kabbalah To The World: For Evil Or Good?
Why Was There A Prohibition On Kabbalah Before?

A Failed Escape From The Crisis

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Many agree with the uniqueness of the Creator, with determinism, with an existence of a script, yet they still attempt to “read” their fate through esotericism, fortune-tellers, and so on. They don’t want to use it, but to adapt to it….

Answer: The thing is that on the basis of all these investigations they don’t feel a need to ask a question about the underlying cause. In general, we have long left behind the exalted science associated with the perception of reality, the philosophy of worldview. Today’s Nobel Prizes are awarded for discoveries that are purely technical, practical, and profitable. In this way, science too is in a state of crisis: For decades now, it hasn’t revealed any fundamental principles laid down in nature.

People have other needs; they are not drawn to exalted matters. Previously, a researcher would strive to get to the very essence of things, to discover the why, not the how. He wasn’t satisfied with a formula describing a newly-observed phenomenon, but sought its logic, its pattern: Where does it spring from? Where is it flowing? And then he would get to the exalted factor: What is the reason that it is created in this particular way? Why is nature arranged specifically thus? We should always ask this question, but unfortunately there is no demand for it today.

Question: That is the reason why they don’t hear us. How do we change that?

Answer: You can’t change that. If people merely seek to add more convenience and comfort to their lives, then they don’t care about the rest. In the grand scheme of things, who cares about science these days? Today, a good scientist is someone who can provide us with superior strength and weapons. We are not drawn at all to understanding the inner essence of things. Such is the outcome of the general crisis, and thus there isn’t yet anybody to turn to.

These days, however, people are starting to feel bad due to this very crisis. No kind of science will help them anymore. In anticipation of a collapse, a person will have to find out who is knocking him down and why. There is no other choice; it will be necessary to discover that because there is nowhere left to run. Formerly some loopholes could be found: “Let’s secure our life, build a sturdier house with heating and air conditioning, let’s ensure that food supplies don’t depend on weather conditions, let’s extract the earth’s treasures from its depths….” We fled from misfortunes with the aid of technology.

In their time, Aristotle and Plato warned against this. They didn’t want to reveal scientific knowledge to the masses because they knew that in such event people would start to use science for personal gain. Why reveal a path that in a few millennia will bring them to a dead end? Better they sense right away that they are in trouble and rush towards the purpose of creation.

The ancient Greek philosophers knew about the science of Kabbalah, so it is no coincidence that they were against the disclosure of scientific knowledge. After all, humanity uses it only to sweeten their sorrows, which are deliberately sent by the Creator so as to bring us towards the purpose of creation. We flaunt and take pride in our achievements while in truth, we’re merely engaged in a never-ending race, which brought us to this crisis all the same. And yet, it was possible to overcome this even two thousand years ago.

Only today, nearing the conclusion of their race, are people finally asking the questions: “Where do these misfortunes come from? What do they mean? When will they end? What should we do?” A person is incapable of simply tolerating suffering—he will have to embark on a search. Today the dead end is already evident, and now, because of the hopelessness, humanity must identify the cause of its misfortunes.

Those in power, however, don’t want to reveal the whole truth about what is taking place. If that were to happen, those endowed with wealth and power would have to share and to reorganize the human society according to the principle of mutual guarantee. This topic is still taboo, no one speaks about it, and therefore, there is no solution to the crisis.

But sooner or later the suffering will melt the ice, and these problems will have to be confronted. And then in seeking out the causes of its misfortunes and ways to salvation, humanity will come to the revelation of the Creator. We are doing this artificially, by gathering in a group and building the necessary conditions according to the Kabbalistic methodology. We too are pressured by misfortunes, but we add our own efforts on top of them in order that they advance us on the way towards the goal. In this manner we are using the positive force, which gives us acceleration, while the rest are accelerated with prods and kicks from behind.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/22/11, Baal HaSulam, “The Freedom”

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Look Into The Root
Building Our Spiritual Incubator
The Fruit Has Ripened

The War Of Philosophers And Kabbalists

Dr. Michael Laitman“The Greeks have gathered against me during the days of the Hasmoneans, they broke the walls of my fortress, and have defiled the holy oils…” (Excerpt from a song, sung during Hanukkah)

The Greeks in me are fighting against studying the Torah, against the knowledge that was left to us by Kabbalists who reached spiritual attainment so we are able to correct ourselves and also reveal the upper force. After all, the Creator’s desire is to reveal Himself to the creatures, and the wisdom of Kabbalah is the method of revealing the Creator to the creatures in this world.

The revelation of the Creator is the revelation of the quality of bestowal. And when man studies with this specific goal in mind, disseminates this wisdom, and strives to connect with his friends for the sake of attaining the quality to bestow, then he studies the Torah and comes closer to revealing the Creator in him. After all, the only purpose of the Torah is to create a common vessel through loving thy neighbor as thyself and to reveal the Creator in it, to become so attached to Him that this quality would clothe inside us.

But those who only study for the sake of knowledge or use it for to take pride in it before the others, to despise them, which is even worse, turn it into a deadly poison. This is the difference between people who wish to correct themselves and return to the Creator and those who have no aspiration to return, who only wish to acquire knowledge, which naturally is not the purpose of creation, the purpose of man and the Creator.

When man aspires towards a true goal, he strives to raise his faith above reason, to make the quality to bestow his most important objective. After all, he understands that by acquiring the quality to bestow, he enters a higher dimension than the world where he now exists.

And then he begins to perceive the entire system of creation, which descends from above, from the Giver, the governing force, instead of feeling like he is locked in a limited world without the understanding of being fully controlled from above. Or maybe he did feel that he depends on nature, but he did not reveal the system through which he is being controlled, or the actual governing force.

The quality of bestowal, which man now acquires, opens a new vision for him “in the reflected Light,” the Light of Hassadim, to acquaint him with the system that governs the entire universe, and thus become closer to the revelation of the force which governs the entire reality.

This is what the war inside man is about—it is between his desire which compels him to attain everything inside the mind as it is a custom in our world and the understanding that it is necessary to develop new senses inside. The philosopher in him is fighting the Kabbalist. The philosopher says that the only way to advance is through science and knowledge, the external mind. And this requires some money, good fortune, or a sharp mind, and special external actions.

When man deems these things important, then the Greeks in him are victorious. But when he resists all these disturbances attacking him, feels that he is unable to defeat them, and needs the help of the upper force, the Creator, he understands that it is impossible to defeat them on his own, only the power of the Upper can do it, and this is why we must merit meeting Him and attaching ourselves to Him.

This is why we must value this inner war, because it helps us experience a strong desire and the need for the Creator’s help. Revealing Him is what saves man and what is called a miracle! This is how we rise above the Greeks in us.

These two forces: the Greeks and the Maccabees are equal when one is revealed against the other, and they are unable to defeat each other. Only a third power from above can conduct a middle line between them.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/27/11, Writings of Rabash

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Down The Trajectory Of Light
Celebrate The First Victory Over Yourself
“Praising The Miracle” Of Hanukkah

Give The Power To Science!

Dr. Michael LaitmanIf we look at different history textbooks, we will see how different their descriptions are. It would seem that humanity went through the same history, including all of its problems, wars, troubles, and successes, yet every nation describes it from its point of view. As a result, textbooks that are supposed to reflect the truth end up contradicting one another.

Sometimes I speak with leaders of different movements in other countries. Each of them is absolutely certain that his movement has to lead the whole world. This includes religious and secular movements, organizations related to ecology, wildlife protection, and many others. While I am among them, how do I differ from them?

Without trying to answer that question, we bring the Kabbalistic message to people in a different form. We do not try to prove who is right and who is wrong, and we don’t dissect different opinions. We don’t try to examine things from the standpoint of history or a religious direction because in each of these areas every person can present his own rationale to justify his opinion.

We invite people only to disengage from everything there is – from the past and the present, and to look into the future from the present moment. In this point we see that nature obligates us to set up the right interconnection, to enter balance, mutuality, and harmony, similar to a single body, an integral, global, pan-human system that senses itself and functions truly as one whole.

Nature obligates and pushes us to this. There is a lot of research confirming this, and we can rely on it. Besides, we don’t have anything else. All we can rely on is science, as it is written, “A person is guided only by what he sees.” Today facts are all we need, and we have to advance according to them.

The facts indicate that whether we want to or not, we are becoming a global, integral society that is internally welded by interconnection and total mutual guarantee. Essentially, this is the tendency of all of nature, and from one day to the next we see how it is becoming expressed more and more clearly.

A question arises: What is our role in this process? Can we now invent anything artificial, following whatever idea some politician, sociologist, political scientist, or other party has suddenly thought up? The world has already tried out all sorts of ideas and humanity has suffered duly due to them.

Perhaps we should simply research nature and be guided by the results of our research, not considering anything else but this? If we advance based on our research, which is conducted in nature, then there is no doubt that out of all the opportunities that little people have on this tiny earth, forsaken at the edge of the galaxy, which is forsaken on the outskirts of the universe, at least we have this one, real chance.

So let’s not sink into philosophy and demonstrate irreconcilability. From experience we already know that when you stand your ground and I stand mine, this only leads to wars and self-annihilation.

Today we desperately need a common denominator, which can only come from the inviolable laws of nature. Based on these laws, we can build the integrated society that is aimed at creativity rather than destruction.
From a conversation about a new book on 7/11/11

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