Entries in the 'Evolution' Category

The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 47

From the book: The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein:

Cells – Communists

Living matter, although materially insignificant in the biosphere, energetically acts in it in the first place. (Vladimir Vernadsky, Scientific Thought as a Planetary Phenomenon)

The insignificant film of the living basically enslaved the entire Earth. How could this happen? Could it be that separate elements of living matter are not just united, but also actively interact with each other?

Each individual member has its own personal interest. The essence of evolution is that individual elements that have personal interests become united in a single body, and begin to act in the public interest. (Elisabet Sahtouris, “The Biology of Globalization”)

Thus, evolution is heading towards unification. The question is, when this “social” process began.

The ability of cells to actively move and interact with each other in accordance with certain rules allows scientists today to talk about cells’ “social behavior.” Probably, something like the described cooperation of similar cells happened on our planet about 4 billion years ago, on the threshold of emergence of life. (Eugene N. Panov, Escape From Loneliness)

It seems that this ability to interact or more precisely to cooperate, which appeared from somewhere, expresses the essence of the difference between the living and the still.

Finally, in our view, the most important thing is that cells do not simply interact. Together, they take care of the whole body and work for the common good, leaving for themselves only what is needed for life. In fact, their work illustrates a known communist principle – “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” (Karl Marx, The Critique of the Gotha Program)

Even self-sacrifice is not foreign to them.

Researchers from the University of California in San Francisco (USA) found self-sacrifice at the cellular level.

It turns out that yeast mother cells give their mitochondria to offspring and do this so selflessly that eventually they themselves die.

We can sum it up. Cells tend not just to unite – they seek cooperation. As a result of this activity, cells rise to the next level of the social ladder – the level of organisms.

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The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 46
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 45
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 44

The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 44

From the book: The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein

The Postulates Of The Theory of Integrality

We are part of nature, the result of its development.

Nature ensures the proper development of each of its parts.

As a result of the program of development, consistently over the globe appeared the vegetative and animate worlds, and finally the human being.

We cannot reveal the feeling and mind that rule in the universe.

The end of development is a perfect state.

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The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 43
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 42
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 41

Correction of Desires: Wood And Clay

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Torah, Leviticus, Metzora, 15:12-15:13: An earthen vessel that he touched was to be broken, and any wooden implement was to be rinsed with water…

Question: Is there a difference between a clay and wooden vessel?

Answer: Wood doesn’t absorb impurities because it has a vegetative origin, whereas a clay vessel is made of various sorts of ground and absorbs everything. That’s why it is weaker.

During its growth, wood sorts out what is right and what is wrong and then corrects them inside itself. That’s why it is more resistant to plague. It repels things that harm it, absorbs things that are good for it. This is how it grows. Clay absorbs everything and is more vulnerable to contamination.

A wooden vessel, i.e., a desire of the vegetative level, is more prone to the egoistic contamination than the desires of the inanimate level.

A vessel is a shaped desire. If a vegetative desire is hit by the egoism, for its correction it needs to be “washed” by the Light of Bina. Wood is Zeir Anpin, thus, it can be impacted by Bina from above. Clay is MalchutBina cannot influence it.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 3/05/14

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Still, Vegetative, Animate And Speaking
Many Instructions, One Direction

The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 41

From the book: The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein

Why Four?

It is very likely that unification is not just an action but something more.

To illustrate this, let’s consider a concept such as “states of aggregation.” Something that is just next to us! One and the same substance may vary in appearance beyond recognition. Behind the formula H2O there may be hidden ordinary water, a piece of ice, clouds, and even flames.

The aggregate state of matter is the state of the same substance in different ranges of temperatures and pressures. Traditionally, the aggregate states are considered gaseous, liquid and solid.

“As temperature increases, gas becomes ionized – turns into plasma, which is sometimes called the fourth aggregate state.” (Academic Dictionary)

This suggests an interesting conclusion. Things that are absolutely different in appearance may ultimately turn out to be the same thing. This topic is very promising, and we may return to it. And now let’s talk about a strange coincidence.

The fact is that the four aggregate states quantitatively match the other four, the four levels of nature: still, vegetative, animate and human.

Why do we pay attention to this similarity? Why did you decide to compare these four and not others? Because both of these groups are actually classified on the scale of the universe and this is serious.

There is a clear similarity between the fours.

Every single element in them appears in a strict sequence, one after another. For example, when steam is cooled, it turns into water first, then into ice. This order does not change.

In the second group, the principle of sequence appears in the following way.

The still nature appeared first, then the vegetative, and only after that, the animate, followed by the human.

In addition to similarities, there is a fundamental difference between the fours. In the first four, the processes of transition are reversible. For example, water may become ice, and ice can turn into water again.

In the second one (at least in its “live” part), this is not observed. A rabbit cannot turn into a cabbage, and a human being cannot become a rabbit, though a rabbit appeared after the cabbage, and a human being after the rabbit.

By the way, this process is called evolution.

“Evolution is an irreversible and to some extent, directed historical development of living nature that is accompanied by changes in the genetic structure of populations, and the formation of adaptations, the formations and extinction of species, transformation of ecosystems, major ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole.” (Academic Dictionary)

Plenty of questions arise with respect to evolution. For example, if it continues, then is it not over? If it is not over, do we expect something new? Maybe the four levels of nature: still, vegetative, animate and human, in the long run will become as one, what academician Vladimir Vernadsky called the noosphere?

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The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 40
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 39
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 38

The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 36

From the book: The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein.

The Postulates Of The Theory of Integrality

Our Universe is a result of the Big Bang.

Two opposing forces emerged after the Big Bang.

The interaction of these forces has led to the development of the Universe.

The Universe is controlled by the force, which led to the Big Bang.

There is no evolution. There is a perfect creation, similar to an absolutely round ball. It is in an infinite interconnection, in an ideal, perfect condition.

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The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 35
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 34
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 33

The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 34

From the book: The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein.

The Postulates Of The Theory of Integrality

We all live on one planet and are linked like members of one family.

The human being has grown from a small and weak creature into a mighty giant.

All religions, beliefs, and various spiritual practices unanimously declare: humanity must achieve universal unity.

In contrast to the plant or animal, we evolve from generation to generation, and each following generation is more progressive than the previous one.

Any atom, molecule, or living organism is in balance. Then an additional desire is revealed, which brings the object to equilibrium at the next level – more perfect.

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The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 33
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 32
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 31

The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 33

From the book: The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein.

Unity Is = The Goal Of Nature

It’s time to ask the question directly. What is the relationship between the unity of people and unity with nature?

First of all, is there a connection between the parts of nature? And if so, who knows about this except the Kabbalists? It turns out that scientists and thinkers have been talking about this long time ago.

“The living, from bacteria to higher plants and higher animals, including man, is a single inseparable whole.” (Vladimir I.Vernadsky)

The fact that humanity is going to unite against all odds has long been known as well.

“Evolution = Rise of consciousness, Rise of consciousness = Union effected. The general gathering together in which, by correlated actions of the without and the within of the earth, the totality of thinking units and thinking forces are engaged—the aggregation in a single block of a mankind whose fragments weld together and interpenetrate before our eyes in spite of (indeed in proportion to) their efforts to separate.” (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Le Phenomene Humain)

Yes, many, many people have understood and felt that humanity should unite, but why and how they did not know.

“Religion and state social education for thousands of years have tried and are trying to create unity and by force to include everyone into one common understanding of the meaning and purpose of life.

“This common understanding never existed in the millennia of human history.” (Vladimir I.Vernadsky)

Kabbalists not only knew and know the answers to these questions, but, in addition, they explained why humanity evolves in this way and not otherwise.

“We distinguish four divisions in the Speaking species, arranged in gradations one atop the other. Those are the Masses, the Strong, the Wealthy, and the Sagacious. They are equal to the four degrees in the whole of reality, called “Still,” “Vegetative,” “Animate,” and “Speaking.” (Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to the Book, Panim Meirot uMasbirot”)

This division of humanity corresponds to these four stages of development that we were talking about. Besides…

“We should know that this law is inclusive for the entire creation; all of nature’s systems are based upon it, organic and inorganic alike, up to the human species with all its idealistic and material properties.

“In all the above there is none that does not obey the iron law of gradual evolution resulting from the mutual collision of these two forces on one another. There is a positive force, meaning constructive, and a negative force, meaning negative and destructive.” (Baal HaSulam, “The Solution”)

In conclusion, we would say that humankind must be involved in this evolutionary process. The sooner – the better.

“Hence, if we let the world evolve naturally, today’s world must undergo the ruin and torments that the primitive man experienced.” (Baal HaSulam, “The Solution”)


Related Material:
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 32
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 31
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 30

The Donkey Rides On A Man

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe are beginning to be disappointed by modern science. No matter how many discoveries science has made, ultimately we discover that we are not supported by it.

Science has given us a multitude of medicines, but on the other hand, medicine has become a global industry that doesn’t always set the healing of the sick as its goal.

Science has made it possible for us to produce an abundance of food, but in spite of all this, half of the world is malnourished.

Science has created a whole army of machines that are ready to replace a person in just about all areas of life, but millions of miserable people are forced to invest hours at work, sometimes for pennies, and the unemployed, in contrast, are left lacking everything and are gradually drop out of life.

We are not okay. In fact, all of the current achievements are concluding some kind of historical cycle. And today, at the beginning of the 21st century, it will become clear that this cycle was only so that we would discover and understand that it is not through science, technology, nor the modern philosophy of life that we reach a good and successful life.

I have no chance for a good life, and most importantly, we stop looking sanctimoniously at our own end. But` I don’t just want to disappear at the end of my life, rather I would like to discover eternal life for myself. But no. The best that I can do is to be less distressed at the current moment, using different “bait.” That is all of our lives.

Today humanity is doing some soul-searching: Why is all of this here and for what? And so the time has arrived to reveal the wisdom of Kabbalah. After all, only knowledge of the general system, and only this science that speaks about the general plan and about the method for realizing it, only this wisdom is truly worthwhile. And without the wisdom of Kabbalah, we will not find the real answer to any question.

Scrutiny of the way through which we have gone brings us to this. Since Adam, 5,774 years have passed. The human species has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. And what’s next? What have we attained with our human development? Have people become happier, more secure? Are we living a better life in this world? Do we know at all what we are living for, or do we simply exist to hold onto this beastly biological life, so that the body will suffer less?

How miserable a person is under the dominance of his “beast,” under his corporeal needs, serving them all the time: Now I let it lie down to sleep, now I feed it, now I wash it, and so on. This means that throughout all his life he is concerned about his “beast,” which in spite of it all, will finally die.

Is this what we are living for? Are all of our wisdoms and personal resources going to this? Is the Adam (man) in me living for this, to placate the “beast?”

And so now, a person has the opportunity to discover the wisdom of Kabbalah, and then he will understand what he has acquired.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/18/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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Thirty-Three Percent Of Americans Don’t Accept The Theory of Evolution

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from Pew Research): “According to a new Pew Research Center analysis, six-in-ten Americans (60%) say that “‘humans and other living things have evolved over time,’ while a third (33%) reject the idea of evolution, saying that ‘humans and other living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time.’ The share of the general public that says that humans have evolved over time is about the same as it was in 2009, when Pew Research last asked the question.

“About half of those who express a belief in human evolution take the view that evolution is ‘due to natural processes such as natural selection’ (32% of the American public overall). But many Americans believe that God or a supreme being played a role in the process of evolution. Indeed, roughly a quarter of adults (24%) say that ‘a supreme being guided the evolution of living things for the purpose of creating humans and other life in the form it exists today.’ …

“There also are sizable differences by party affiliation in beliefs about evolution, and the gap between Republicans and Democrats has grown. In 2009, 54% of Republicans and 64% of Democrats said humans have evolved over time, a difference of 10 percentage points. Today, 43% of Republicans and 67% of Democrats say humans have evolved, a 24-point gap.”

My Comment: Kabbalah talks about evolution under the influence of the program of creation. The created being develops from the level of the still to the vegetative level, and then to the level of the animate. The level of human being is not the one with which we are familiar in our world. Our highest stage is not just as an intelligent animal, but is characterized by our development of similarity to the Creator.

This was spoken about thousands of years before Darwin, beginning with the early Kabbalistic sources, such as The Book of Zohar, the writings of the Ari, and others. According to Kabbalah, evolution is development, but it is under the influence of the Upper Force, the Light.

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Evolution And Divine Providence
Why Did The Big Bang Happen?
Kabbalah Explains The Big Bang

Symbol Of The Current Reality: The Question Mark

Dr. Michael LaitmanHumanity must first get to know itself on the level of the still, the vegetative, and then the animate level of nature. Therefore, we have to exist as animals first, and then as people in this world, we began to develop industry, commerce, technology, and science, so that eventually we would understand that all this doesn’t work and that we will not decipher the meaning of life this way.

A Question Mark The Symbol Of The Current Reality-1

We engage in something down here on this earth: adults, children, and animals.  That’s the way we live, but what is this life for? Is there anything beyond this life? This is what we begin to ask when we grow and go through several phases and ages of evolution and we find no answer.

Eventually we reach a crisis that pressures us through troubles and problems. It doesn’t only affect people and human society but also the still level, the environment, plants, and animals. All the problems reach us through them.

We reach a state in which we ask about the meaning of life, not out of curiosity, or a desire to discover our upper source—where we came from and why—but simply out of despair and the desire to receive pleasure in this empty life that brings us no joy.

Humanity advances and reaches a general crisis that pressures us and obliges us to ask questions: What is this life about? Why do we live this way? We all know that when life goes by without any troubles or worries, we don’t ask many questions. But the moment we encounter problems, we immediately begin to ask.

Thus we realize that we have no choice and that we have to connect in order to know the meaning of life, just as the wisdom of Kabbalah tells us. If we put the pieces of the puzzle together, we will understand what is going on in and behind the picture itself, who manages and supports it, and why He does all that.

Kabbalists penetrate this picture and ascend above time. They tell us that everything depends on the attainment of the Creator. The only problem in this life is attaining the Creator, looking for Him, making contact with Him, discovering Him, understanding Him, and being in direct dialogue with Him. I turn to the Creator, He answers, turns to me, and I understand what He wants from me.

If we attain this state, all our problems will be solved. We will understand what is going on and how to manage everything. The main thing is that we will know how to ascend above this life to an upper level. But in order to do that, we have to reveal the Creator. So the current crisis is only meant to bring us to that.

We think that it is a crisis, but the word “crisis” in Greek means rebirth. So we shouldn’t take this crisis so dramatically, but rather expect it to bring us to a new beginning, as long as we understand and know how to relate to it.
From the Convention In France “One For All And All For One,” Day Two 5/10/14, Lesson 3

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