Strengthen Your Faith

934Question: What helps us to strengthen our faith and not fall into doubts? How can we support each other in this in the ten?

Answer: First of all, we must unite in the ten. Moreover, we must unite in such a way that we do not have any questions as to whether we are connected to each other or not, or whether we help each other or not. All these issues must be resolved.

We are absolutely sure that we are connected to each other and therefore connected to the Creator.

Question: Do I understand correctly that only to the extent of my faith, without any doubt, can the Creator honor me with the quality of bestowal?

Answer: This is first. And second, the first is not even as important as the fact that you want to have a sense of faith. Meaning, you want to fully relate to the Creator the way He relates to you. That is the most important thing. I want to bestow to the Creator everything that is in me, and in this case it does not matter to me how much I receive and what He gives me.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/27/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Most Important Is to Want Only to Bestow“

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