Lasting Pleasure

572.02In other words, one can please a limited body with one’s work and effort, which is either a passing guest or an eternal one, meaning that one’s energy remains in eternity. (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 30 “The Most Important Is to Want Only to Bestow“)

Question: What is the difference between the feeling of pleasure in the quality of “a passing guest” and the quality of “an eternal one”?

Answer: If you don’t think about yourself, that you want to get something, then everything goes fine. And if you keep thinking “Where is my pay? Where are my earnings?”, then you have nothing left. It all disappears as if it dissipates in the air.

The purpose of creation is to delight the creatures. This is what the Creator wants. But He wants to give them real pleasure: eternal, infinite, unlimited, and imperishable.

Therefore we must reach a state where we are ready to rise above our egoism and think only about how to be able to receive and give unlimitedly, meaning to expand our Kelim (vessels). And then we will have the right attitude to the nature of the Creator and to the nature of the world.

Question: A person gets pleasure from giving to others. How does this differ from the pleasure that is called the quality of a passing guest? How at the same time can one not slip into enjoying for oneself?

Answer: The difference is very big because, according to your intention, you can go from receiving for yourself to receiving for the sake of bestowal. And thus you move from one world that is egoistic to another world that is altruistic.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/27/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Most Important Is to Want Only to Bestow

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