Dangerous Love

712.03Question: If the Creator reveals His endless love to us, then we will begin to neglect Him, and therefore, as protection, He gives us blows and rejects us. Why is it necessary to do so?

Answer: This is done on purpose so that we change our state. This neglect is the result of a new level of egoism emerging and unfolding in you.

Question: Why can’t we immediately embrace all of the Creator’s love?

Answer: You do not have any abilities for this. We need to work on it. After all, sensation and the understanding of sensations, i.e., the heart and mind must be together. You cannot just feel it! There must be a period of awareness of the cause, action, effect of these sensations, certain control over them, then the next state, and so on. There are a lot of different switches here.

It all depends on how ready you are for this, how much you want to take part in all the metamorphoses happening in you and your willingness to call them upon yourself. This will reduce the time to adapt to the new world.

This is a completely new world in which you will feel that there is neither time nor space, there is no life or death. You will look at your body as at an animal that is next to you; well, you stayed with it, made friends with it, like with your dog or a bull that grazes in your yard, and now you are parting.

Moreover, you feel this animalistic state that also has its own egoistic form. But since it supported you and brought you closer to spirituality, then in this egoistic form it begins to enter the spiritual as an integral part of it. Therefore, there is no death, there is no disappearance. On the contrary, it is like all your inanimate, vegetative, and animate desires that join your next state because they led you to this.

Starting from the appearance of our universe, that point that developed in you has now led you to exit our universe into the next one. This is a very special state, an historical moment. Although there is no history and time.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Dangerous Love” 1/23/14

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