Annulling Barriers Between Nations

587.02Question: Do you think that people of different nationalities and races should live in different countries?

Answer: I believe that we should gradually eliminate all differences between us and not feel that we are living in different countries. We exist together.

Question: Since we have not been able to arrange these connections for thousands of years, maybe it really is better to be separate?

Answer: No, we have to learn. There is nothing else that will help us. As we develop, mingling increases and there is no limit to it, just as there is no limit to our mutual hatred. We see this in America and in Europe.

In the places where mingling occurs—and it occurs spontaneously—no one really regulates it. We see from many signs how difficult it is for people to coexist with each other. There is only one possibility for us to correctly coexist to gradually annul all the barriers that exist between us.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/14/20

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