Managing Stress, Part 3

laitman_559Stress: Disease or Habit

Question: There are three main stages of stress. The first is the stage of anxiety. It is said that it is a positive one because it mobilizes the  body’s defense forces to fight the stress.

The second stage is adaptation. If the person’s body at the psychological or physiological level does not adapt to this pressure, then the stress passes into the third stage, the stage of depletion of the body’s resources, and the person begins to get sick.

Do you agree with this?

Answer: In general, yes. However, the fact is that a person gets so used to this state that he no longer imagines himself operating outside of the feeling of stress. He needs something to cheer him up, put him in his place, and shake him up. Therefore, stress becomes as if necessary, meaning a part of life, a habit.

Comment: It turns out that stress in the first stages causes a person to aim to achieve some goal. When he does not achieve it, it makes him depressed. They say that all diseases are caused by nerves.

My Response: This is absolutely correct. Nerves regulate the entire organism. The state of various systems of the body, their mutual, well-coordinated work, depends on them. Therefore, they cause all diseases.

Question: Can a person experiencing stress be considered sick?

Answer: Stress is not a long-term disease. It can be short and impulsive. However, it is, of course, a disease.

Question: Is stress related to the development of psychosomatic diseases, or is the cause of disease in another area?

Answer: In principle, stress depends only on a lack of confidence. If confidence disappears, then there is stress.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/25/20

Related Material:
Managing Stress, Part 2
Managing Stress, Part 1
The Era Of Stress, Part 1

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