The State of One Reflects the State of Everyone

528.02Question: If a friend in our ten goes through a state of descent and we feel it, how can we help him?

Answer: If a friend is going through a bad spiritual state, we must support him.

Understand that each of us experiences a spiritual state for the group and not for ourselves. We go through descents, ascents, and changes in our states only because the whole group needs it, not just one person.

Therefore, if I look at a friend and see that he is in a descent, he is not in it. The whole group, through him, must study this descent and pick it up. And so through each of us. We must perceive ups and downs as being given to the whole group together. In spirituality, we strive to be one.

How can I look at a friend and say if he is on a descent or an ascent? That is where we are! He experiences this alone because we have not yet united. And to the extent that we unite, we will feel all the descents and ascents of everyone together.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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