The Real Future of All Humanity

937Question: At one time was all of humanity in spiritual attainment?

Answer: No, it was not. Only the group of Abraham, who left Babylon, was in spiritual attainment for a brief period; upon exiting Egypt they all ascended to a new level, and then later during the construction of the First Temple. Of course that was not about a building with stones and wood, but about the inner construction of the soul, first, with the erection of the First Temple, then the Second Temple, and then the fall from the spiritual level 2,000 years ago. But together, as one unified nation, this group existed for only a very brief period.

As for all of humanity, it has never been in spiritual attainment because, while in Babylon, it did not want to master the methodology of revealing the Creator, of unity, and rising to His level, which is the highest level of bestowal and love in nature. Therefore, Abraham had to leave there.

Question: So it seems that people should come to this sensation soon. How realistic is it that everyone will feel the spiritual system?

Answer: It is absolutely realistic! Absolutely everyone and the entire scheme of creation. It is all within each of us. All together, we are in collective adhesion with each other in one unified soul called Adam, “Malchut of the world of infinity.” Call it whatever you want; there are many definitions for this state.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. All People are in Spirituality” 1/24/12

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