The Poison Is In Your Head

510.01Question: In an ancient Chinese parable, a married woman who could not bear the reproach of her mother-in-law decided to get rid of her. She went to an herb merchant who was an acquaintance of her father. She explained everything to him and told him: “I want you to sell me poison.”

The herbalist said: “Okay, I will help you. But first of all, you cannot poison your mother-in-law right away because people will guess what happened. Therefore, I will give you herbs that will gradually kill her.

Second, to avoid any suspicion, you must tame your anger, learn to respect her, love her, listen to her, and be patient. Then no one will suspect you when she dies.”

The girl agreed, took the herbs, and began to add them to her mother-in-law’s food. In addition, she learned to control herself, listen to her mother-in-law, and respect her. And so, six months later they were already as close as mother and daughter. And then the girl ran to the herbalist and begged: “For God’s sake, save my mother-in-law from the poison that I gave her! I love her!” The herbalist replied: “Don’t worry, I just gave you spices. The poison was only in your head, and you got rid of it yourself.”

I want to ask you: we kill each other with words all the time. And whoever is smarter kills gradually, not immediately. In order not to become the enemy, he acts through others, starts rumors about others, and so on. It is our nature to put another down.

Why it does not hurt me that I am quietly humiliating another, getting him out of my way, killing?

Answer: I believe that the other does not let me live, that he is my enemy who sees me standing in his way, and must destroy me.

Question: Why were we given this nature—to live like this?

Answer: This is all for the same reason—so that we correct our egoism. So that we can be convinced that “love your neighbor as yourself” is the main law of the world.

Comment: In that case, it should make me feel bad at some point that I am like this.

My Response: Yes, of course.

Question: Now I see all these wars, all these murders directly, not directly, and so on. And at what point comes the feeling of: “What am I doing? It is all in me. How can I get out of this?”

Answer: At the moment of enlightenment.

Question: When does this happen? Can it be accelerated or something be done? I understand that this is the main moment in life, really. That everything is in me, that everything is because of me, that I am the killer. Does it come to a person at all?

Answer: When a person becomes convinced that he is full of evil, then his true nature is revealed in him, and he can no longer tolerate it and turns to the Creator.

Question: Does this happen unexpectedly for a person? Or does he kind of want that already?

Answer: No, this enlightenment usually comes with such a serious push.

Question: So there is something before that, is there some kind of push, after all?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When this is revealed to a person, does prayer to the Creator become natural? That is, the understanding that everything depends on Him alone?

Answer: Yes, then a person turns to the Creator, judges himself, and by correcting himself, corrects the world around him.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/15/24

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