The Magic Book of Zohar

151From a viewer:

I recently started studying Kabbalah because I was seriously ill. I was looking for any means to get out of this. Today, during the lesson, you said you could read The Book of Zohar to get well. I am very sick. The doctors gave up on me a long time ago. Should we read The Book of Zohar? What should you think about it? About your recovery?

Answer: Certainly. Read it and get better.

Question: You said The Book of Zohar is like a Segula (remedy)?

Answer: Yes, it is magical.

Question: What happens when you read it and want recovery?

Answer: You attract the upper light to yourself; it descends from top to below, passes through all the Sefirot, and reaches you. With this, you heal.

Question: Why The Book of Zohar, and why do you insist on it? There are many books.

Answer: This is the most potent remedy for our soul. Great Kabbalists wrote it at the highest levels of connection with the Creator. Therefore, this book carries a mighty charge of spiritual power.

Question: Does it matter what language you read in? It is in Aramaic and Hebrew.

Answer: It is in Aramaic. There is nothing you can do about that. But after Aramaic, of course, Hebrew, because they are practically parallel languages. And those who know Aramaic understand Hebrew. Anyone who understands Hebrew, in principle, understands Aramaic.

Question: What if it is in Russian? We also have translations into Russian.

Answer: Let him read in Russian.

Question: So basically in your language, in the language the reader understands?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/1/24

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