The Limitations of Science

222I started studying Kabbalah in 1976 when I was 30 years old. Three years later, I came to Rabash. But even before coming to Rabash, I started to read The Book of Zohar with the Sulam Commentary, studied the Introduction to the Wisdom of Kabbalah and other sources. I could not understand anything, but I was already trying to figure them out.

When I came to Rabash, then everything went along the same line. Before that, I sort of went through everything myself: science, philosophy, religion, and I saw that all that was just a delusion, absolutely everything, including science!

They lead a person astray from the right path to the goal of creation, to the meaning of life. So what if I find out how two solutions mix and what happens as a result? Nature around us is a huge sphere; I will scrape some properties, some knowledge, from it a little bit and study what I have scraped together. Am I going to do this all my life? Well, I will scrape together a little. And why? As Einstein said: “Like a little boy, I collect pebbles on the ocean shore.”

All great people have also asked these questions. And the most important thing that pushed them forward was the comprehension of the basis of the universe, its integral formula, that is, the connection between all its parts—what it is for. The whole connection: these X’s, Y’s, Z’s, and so on, what is inside the formula, equal to what? The meaning of life!

“What is it? Will I comprehend it or not?” Science will not give man an answer because he works with his brains and his properties like an animal that begins to scratch the ground with its hoof and sniff what it has found there. So much for science!

Moreover, I do not detract from its importance at all, but simply say that it is necessary to understand its limitations.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Difference between Kabbalah, Science and New Age” 1/28/12

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